- Comment on Ford Chairman & CEO Jim Farley Wakes After Decade-long Nap, Shocked By China's EVs - CleanTechnica 5 months ago:
That’s not how you spell “Xinjang camps” …
- Comment on Mingyang’s 20 MW Offshore Wind Turbine Stands Complete 6 months ago:
It might but wind based energy production won’t go away. It has already proven its place in energy production. While there’s a lot of people that had invested in fossil and nuclear, there’s a lot of investors in wind energy too.
Wind energy production will just get more efficient and getting closer to being CO2 neutral in the future.
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
In my experience there always someone willing to create everything from homebrew software to software activation. Especially if there’s some money to make on it.
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
The hardware has full functionality from day one. The limitation is in what software you are using.
Active suspension is not a hardware feature, it’s suffrage collecting data from sensors and by analysing the data adjusting the suspension to “optimal performance”.
The software, “BMW Smooth Comfortable Cloud Ride Software”, is included free of charge! BMW also offers “BMW Hyper Advanced AI Premium Sensation Masculine Active Road Experience Pro Suspension” as an optional subscription for alpha males and people with too much money in their pockets.
The outcome of what you are suggesting will be a slight change in the phrasing of the product offering at the most.
With access to the keys, the owner can subscribe to the BMW solution, unlock the features in breach of the agreement with BMW by not subscribing or get a software solution for the car from another provider.
- Comment on Procreate takes a stand against generative AI, vows to never incorporate the tech into its products | TechCrunch 6 months ago:
While a honorable move, “never” doesn’t exist in a world based on quarterly financials…
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
So you purchase ordinary suspension but get active suspension that works exactly like ordinary suspension and cost like active suspension to service…
It’s time we get legislation that gives the consumer access to all key pairs used in the product they purchased.
- Comment on Disney Seeking Dismissal of Raglan Road Death Lawsuit Because Victim Was Disney+ Subscriber 6 months ago:
Not an American… But holy crap… If Disney succeeds with this… then … E-v-e-r-y single service will have a clause like “you hereby agree to never ever take legal action against us, our subsidiaries, cookie partners, affiliates, our friend’s dog or Bob for anything we might or might not have caused in the next 2 billion years if we don’t give you permission.”.
I’m happy that I’m living in the European Union av and not in Florida.
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
Ok. I too hate that everything is directed to cloud and saving locally is treated like something strange that no one wants.
The day Autodesk removes the capability for local save (“export your files from cloud” in some Autodesk website is not the same as saving files directly from Fusion 360) is the day I leave Fusion 360.
- Comment on Just as a heads up, AutoDesk will start deleting your Fusion Files if you don't login once a year 6 months ago:
Wait what?
So when I save my F3D files locally I don’t get the whole project in the file?
- Comment on Are all FRU for a particular Lenovo Marketing part number? 6 months ago:
Both are CL 19 do you should be fine.
- Comment on Decentralised YouTube alternative Odysee no longer serving ads 6 months ago:
I’m sorry to be the guy that tried to ruin your party, but “if we collectively…”… How many people are you talking about?
100, 1000, 10000, 100000 ?
This is business. We’re talking about someone’s livelihood. Leave on earth is nice but that doesn’t guarantee food on your table.
Syncing is an alternative as long as it doesn’t mean that a view pays less on Odyssee than on YouTube. If it does, then the creator would not gain anything, just kidding income.
What is your selling argument for a YouTube creator with 100000 views on average to move to Odyssee?
- Comment on Decentralised YouTube alternative Odysee no longer serving ads 6 months ago:
My favorite channel wouldn’t have millions of subscribers and a somewhat steady recurring income because of this.
It’s a classic catch 22: Without viewers, no content creators. Without content creators, no viewers.
I think it’s great that they try to get rid of what makes YouTube suck but I don’t see that content creators are leaving YouTube anywhere soon.
- Comment on 7 months ago:
Goldman Sachs is overhyped and unreliable.
- Comment on Zelda 64: Recompiled 7 months ago:
This repository and its releases do not contain game assets. The original game is required to build or run this project.
Nintendo might try but there wouldn’t be much substance in such claim.
- Comment on Most consumers hate the idea of AI-generated customer service 7 months ago:
I have the same experience as you do, but there’s a reason that the big ISPs continue to be big: The majority of customers seems to prioritize a lower price than a better level of support.
(Also, I’m not just talking about ISPs. I meant customer support in general and how the view has changed from “keeping a customer is much cheaper than gaining one” to “cattle, cattle, castle. If we lose one, there’s hundreds to gain”.)
- Comment on Most consumers hate the idea of AI-generated customer service 7 months ago:
Nice try. But let’s play with the thought that there’s no way we can let a rookie listen in on customer calls and gradually work their way into the role when they have experience… What about hiring technicians that has been working with the products/services for 10 years?
That would be a way of getting competent customer support people, right?
And just to clarify my comment that you replied on: The problem today is that most often there’s no career path for the customer support rookies and the pay is so lousy that most people just work customer support until they get something better.
That’s definitively the correct way to avoid getting experienced people in the customer support.
- Comment on Most consumers hate the idea of AI-generated customer service 7 months ago:
Unpopular opinion and rant: Us, the consumers, brought this on ourselves. Not intentionally but it was a slippery slope.
No one I know did ever ask the sales representative “does your customer support answer within 5 minutes and will I always reach a representative with att least 10 years of experience, that has the authority to make real decisions?”. No, but we were all very interested about the pricing of the service/product.
Then these “Please press 1 for…” happened… and no one of us really cared about the change because the service providers offered a much lower price than the ones with customer support representatives with 20 years of experience. Since all of us went for the cheapest provider, the other ones had to cut cost to be able to offer their service on a competitive price level. So then there were no one offering competent support with representatives that knew their shit. And it slowly continued to go downhill…
So here we are with shitty services, which we pay for, where we all are treated as cattle.
If people at least started to ask for better customer support there would someone, who wants to climb the corporate ladder, creating a PowerPoint presentation with a real VIP Service Level. Of course it will cost more money, because real people cost money, but we would att least get what we want.
But no. Consumers will still go for the lowest price.
- Comment on Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs. 8 months ago:
You really don’t understand how bd-r/bd-rw works, do you?
- Comment on Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs. 8 months ago:
Why are you worried about Sony owning the blu-ray format?
- Comment on Remote IT management provider TeamViewer says it has been hacked, allegedly Russian state hackers from APT29 8 months ago:
Here we go again…
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Five Guys have a vanilla milkshake till bacon … Yummmmm
- Comment on Golden retriever are the Volvo of dogs 9 months ago:
Ok. We’ve whitelisted you now.
- Comment on Golden retriever are the Volvo of dogs 9 months ago:
As a Swede I feel a bit offended.
Guys, just be happy that we don’t send your Volvo in a flat pack, ok?
- Comment on How can we improve the judicial system that monitors our politicians deals (spotting for fraud, corruption) when it is not in the interest of anybody involved? 9 months ago:
Don’t give up. It might sound like a cliché: This not something that is won overnight.
It’s either that or revolution…
- Comment on How can we improve the judicial system that monitors our politicians deals (spotting for fraud, corruption) when it is not in the interest of anybody involved? 9 months ago:
Everything starts with you engaging in local politics.
You get the politicians your deserve.
If you don’t engage in the local part of the political party that is closest to your views, then someone else will. That “someone else” might not have the same good intentions like you do.
The politicians elected in the lower parts of the political pyramid are the ones that will eventually rise to the next level.
So the corrupt ones in the top could have had a much harder journey if people stop focusing on the top and change focus to their own surroundings.
- Comment on That time when Microsoft bought and killed Nokia phone unit 9 months ago:
Well, at least when you used to buy windows you were the user and the customer.
With Google you’re just the product.
- Comment on That time when Microsoft bought and killed Nokia phone unit 9 months ago:
I’d argue that Windows 11 is a result of what Google has been getting away with Android.
Google has shown Microsoft that the users happily pay money for giving up the control of their device. While Android was open 10 years ago, Google has worked hard to lock it down for 99% of the end users. The amount of personal data they get from each device is staggering.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Cool. Where can I read up on the catalog of Tidal?
- Comment on Is this discoloration a problem? 10 months ago:
I’m not a professional and not living in the US.
- Get a Wood Moisture Meter and check everything. If the wood contains more water than it should you have an ongoing problem and there is ongoing microbiological growth.
- Some of the Black / Dark parts look like fungus. (In Swedish “svartmögel” which is directly translated to “black mould”). That shit can cause allergies and worse shit.
All in all: get a professional to check this. I’m Sweden we have “building inspectors” that are experts in leakage and mold that checks this for you.
- Comment on Bruce Perens Emits Draft Post-Open Zero Cost License 10 months ago:
Nice idea but the chances of that happening is close to zero.
If you take the top 10000 companies around the world that use some open source software and count the amount of full time employees that contribute with code to open source projects I would be extremely surprised if you would reach 10000 contributers in total.
I love the philosophy behind open source but business people doesn’t understand why it’s valuable for them to have additional cost associated with “employees helping competitors”.
Business people are the ones pulling the strings in the corporate world.