There’s no way they’re this stupid, right?
You can piss off the rich folks, but most regular people won’t care most of the time, especially since people don’t give a flying fuck about their data privacy anyway, but this is the point where you really put a target on your back.
Stick to casinos, finance and market makers, the general public won’t bat an eye. Go after kids at a non profit? Well good luck, no one is even pretending to be on your side anymore. 1 year ago
Gotta paraphrase RiskyBiz on this one; release the hounds. This kind of attack should be treated with the same severity as if you went and drove a truck through the hospital’s main transformers IRL; if you ransomware a hospital, you should be seriously concerned about ordnance coming through your front window 1 year ago
Any cyber warfare should be.
It’s one thing to snoop around some corporate website looking for bugs to extort. That’s a crime. You shouldn’t do it, if you get caught you should get a knock on your door from a police officer. They want to start by asking some questions.
It’s a completely different thing to use those tactics on state infrastructure. That should be seen as an act of war. Your front door should be forcibly beaten down with a battering ram. 1 year ago
looking for bugs to extort
I sleep
Looking for bugs to responsibly declose, ideally through a bug bounty program
REAL SHIT 1 year ago
To borrow another turn of phrase, warheads on foreheads 1 year ago
I’m not generally one who thinks social shenanigans deserves a kenetic response, but these sorts of callous assholes definitely deserve a taste of freedom delivered straight to their door. 1 year ago
It's not "digital" when it literally kills people. 1 year ago
I’m happy to make an exception for someone attacking a children’s hospital.