- Comment on Pre-teen pregnancies are rising in the Philippines – critics blame the Catholic Church 11 months ago:
Something tells me PRE-teen pregnancies are a bigger problem than whoever’s having sex with kids under-13 not using birth control.
- Comment on Oregon Passes 'Right to Repair' Law With Extra Cojones: Oregon’s “right to repair” bill, which now only needs the governor’s signature before it becomes law, has teeth not found in similar legislation 11 months ago:
They just need to provide zero customer support, no updates to IP addresses in Oregon, etc. No need to prevent people from using devices they own, just stop transacting.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
The thing about real estate though, is that supply is inelastic. Your one landlord cannot just turn up production and pump out a million widgets of housing. They’ll sell out, fast. And you’re back to square one.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Game theory, it’s in the interest of every landlord if prices go up a little, so the overwhelming majority will raise rent.
Fact is only so much stuff is made and only so much space exists and only so many people exist to make and build etc. Money is just an abstraction for allocating those resources. Broadly speaking the market would adjust and everything would remain the same for 95% of people. The HOPE of UBI advocates is that, after adjustments to prices, the UBI would have an impact on that last 5%.
- Comment on Experts war-gamed what might happen if deepfakes disrupt the 2024 election. Things went sideways fast. 11 months ago:
You know where this is going, can’t trust the vote of a misinformed voter, so… No vote until the government figures out what information you need for deciding on further changes to government.
- Comment on Oregon Passes 'Right to Repair' Law With Extra Cojones: Oregon’s “right to repair” bill, which now only needs the governor’s signature before it becomes law, has teeth not found in similar legislation 11 months ago:
It’s Oregon, with a population of a whopping 4 million across the entire state, so you know what, maybe actually cheaper to cut the state off than to establish DIY supply chain for repairs parts that will undercut your whole product portfolio.
- Comment on A DisplayPort Port That You Can Plug HDMI Into 11 months ago:
You mean like a $500 level 1 techs KVM?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I donated to Bernie Sanders’ primary campaign and STILL get this shit. Their system is to disseminate your number to pollsters so that it’s impossible to just get your name of the central list which the Democratic party owns. I called these guys and spoke to them, no results. I started responding with a message telling them each text results in a Republican donation and they slowed down a lot. Only have a few from the past month. But also this is why I’m just never donating to any Democrat campaigns since Bernie’s presidential bid and cannot bring myself to do so because of the torrents of spam it results in.
- Comment on A DisplayPort Port That You Can Plug HDMI Into 11 months ago:
Can every KVM do this please?
- Comment on Ubicloud wants to build an open source alternative to AWS | TechCrunch 11 months ago:
What an awful name: I immediately thought it might be related to Ubisoft and had to look it up to sanity check my feeling of absolute revulsion.
- Comment on So glad I'm ditching these fucking idiots 1 year ago:
Solid Edge, Free for non-enterprise and actually very good… For now…
- Comment on Shell Is Immediately Closing All Of Its California Hydrogen Stations | The oil giant is one of the big players in hydrogen globally, but even it can't make its operations work here. 1 year ago:
Only cheaper in small volumes, not in every car everywhere volumes.
You can use the same electricity you’d use to charge an electric car to separate water, but basically you’re saving the problem of having to deliver that power to every supercharger station at the time of your convenience, which is the biggest hurdle.
I live in the area with the most electric cars of anywhere and our power costs have passed the point where $6/gallon gas in a regular car is actually cheaper per mile than charging a Tesla.
- Comment on Shell Is Immediately Closing All Of Its California Hydrogen Stations | The oil giant is one of the big players in hydrogen globally, but even it can't make its operations work here. 1 year ago:
No they’ve just been subsidizing an inferior technology.
- Comment on One of capitalisms biggest tragedies 1 year ago:
Is it capitalism, or is it the way non-profits budget in order to stay non-profiting when there’s some windfall revenue? Seriously stupid if anyone doesn’t know: schools will burn money and hire excess staff JUST to keep from having a profit at the end of the year - and then the next year they need to either hit the same numbers or get rid of people and programs. Tuition can only go to the moon as long as every penny of unspent money must be both spent this year and replaced again next year.
- Comment on Sometimes, homeopathic medicine works! 1 year ago:
We calls those “freedom seeds”
- Comment on Paris votes to crack down on SUVs | Non-Parisians will be charged almost $20 per hour to park large gas or hybrid vehicles within the city center in a bid to address pedestrian safety and air pollu... 1 year ago:
Tradespeople, they generally own their own tools and bring several boxes to even a basic job, plenty of jobs where you don’t need a dedicated truck.
My time in Paris was before we had kids, so I don’t know about the logistics there, but in NYC where I did not even think about owning a car for years it’s Very difficult without a car, and there are no more than a few neighborhoods with everything is actually available locally.
Also anyone just starting their business who doesn’t have a purpose built vehicle yet - breaking into catering, flower shop, etc.
- Comment on Paris votes to crack down on SUVs | Non-Parisians will be charged almost $20 per hour to park large gas or hybrid vehicles within the city center in a bid to address pedestrian safety and air pollu... 1 year ago:
That’s a very ivory-Tower retort - ‘they can still buy regular cars’.
If you can barely put food on the table and NEED a car (eg for work), and nearly nothing in your bank account, do you spend $3000 on a sedan or $1000 on an equally good SUV?
Second hand market prices are extremely demand driven, the equilibrium average cost tends not to change much without a change in overall supply - this just shifts the balance pushing SUVs to the bottom of the market.
- Comment on Paris votes to crack down on SUVs | Non-Parisians will be charged almost $20 per hour to park large gas or hybrid vehicles within the city center in a bid to address pedestrian safety and air pollu... 1 year ago:
Funny thing about markets though, when you put fees on SUVs that just means the prices on used SUVs will go down, and so you’ll have fees being leveed on only the poorest who have no choice but to buy the cheapest car they can find and the richest who don’t care about the fee.
- Comment on 3 Huge Tech Companies Endorse Bill That Could Wipe Abortion Info From the Internet. 1 year ago:
It’s futile I’m afraid
- Comment on 3 Huge Tech Companies Endorse Bill That Could Wipe Abortion Info From the Internet. 1 year ago:
Nobody defended communities discussing illegal things, then nobody defended communities discussing questionable legal things, then nobody defended disfavored things like firearms channels/YouTubers, now it’s your turn.
- Comment on LockBit remorseless in latest children's hospital attack 1 year ago:
But why can’t we pretend they just threatened to kill the president, burn some 0-days to get their exact locations, and blow them all up at the same time using our huge force of drones we deploy all over the world anyway?
Next ransomware group would think much, much harder
- Comment on Broadcom ditches VMware Cloud Service Providers - 'How can they cancel a major program affecting hundreds, perhaps thousands of customers, with zero notice?' 1 year ago:
As an enterprise, I would not add any more dependencies on a vendor who rug pulled a block of their customers. We use VMware, we use practically everyone to some degree, and at least at my shop every team works with more than one stack so it’s not like the talent is locked in. This is a huge black mark for BROADCOM next time a team is starting a project or program in general.
That being said, the decision is understandable because VMware’s days are numbered: they were instrumental to moving from on-prem to the cloud, but I cannot actually think of any use cases where we used them for anything NEW.
- Comment on Fear Mongering About Range Anxiety Has To Stop — CT Governor Calls Out EV Opponents 1 year ago:
Kind of exactly how every major political issue works: people with no or extremely limited personal experience repeating things they’ve been told by someone in their tribe.
- Comment on Task failed successfully? 1 year ago:
Trained, qualified police doing quality police work keeping dangerous people with guns off the street, got it.
- Comment on Toshiba exec claims hard drives are 7X cheaper than SSDs and will continually evolve for large datacenters 1 year ago:
If the NAS supports tiered storage, you benefit from high I/O performance for things like video editing.
My home storage is a NAS connected over 10GbE, I never bothered trying to play games off of it, but I’ll bet they’d run great. Read & write over the network at 10 gigabit is faster on a machine with (separate) RAID arrays of SSDs and HDDs than internal SATA3 connectivity which is kind of bonkers for a home user. Plus that has virtual machines and cloud backups running on the NAS side.
- Comment on Toshiba exec claims hard drives are 7X cheaper than SSDs and will continually evolve for large datacenters 1 year ago:
In favor of what? Spinning rust, or some other media for archival backups?
- Comment on While everyone is watching the world stage and some are predicting WWIII, isn't there a good chance that the USA is getting close to some kind of civil war? 1 year ago:
Not really: for context, the civil rights movement in 50’s and 60’s was far more violent, like actually violent with military being called in across many American cities.
- Comment on Epic win: Jury decides Google has illegal monopoly in app store fight 1 year ago:
You’re forgetting AppBrain from like 15 years ago.
Increased competition is always better for the customer. I agree on the concerns, but it’s a virtually universal truth, so long as they’re actually forced to treat other app stores fairly.
- Comment on Fusion 360 increasing annual price by $190 USD 1 year ago:
I’ve been using Solid Edge for a while -it’s very solid once you learn it, just a less mature UX compared to 360. But no bullshit, it just works, I love not losing work because half the system is in the cloud and randomly forced you up to log in.
- Comment on Fusion 360 increasing annual price by $190 USD 1 year ago:
I’ve been using Solid Edge for a while -it’s very solid once but with less mature UX compared to 360. But no bullshit, it just works, I love not losing work because half the system is in the cloud and randomly forced you up to log in.