My college roommate had this little box that had 2 controllers and RCA’d into the TV that contained basically every game from the most important retro consoles. All the important consoles and games pre y2k. Including Nintendo, Atari, Sega, and maybe some arcade. I assume I can’t get it through normal channels because of some of those roms are unsanctioned, but where might I get something like that? Thanks!
Buy an nvidia shield. Install retroarch. Find ROMs and put them on a USB drive, plug into shield. Pair any Bluetooth controller(s?). Play all the games. 1 year ago
Most folks make their own with a Raspberry Pi and a “RetroPi” installation. You source the ROMS yourself.
There are pre-loaded kits, but they are many times more expensive than DIY.
$400 on Amazon:
Raw board for $80 to kits from $155 to $165:
Then install RetroPi:
And supply ROMS to it. 1 year ago
You don’t need an 8GB Pi for gaming. Most of these run on a 1GB Pi3 1 year ago
Future proofing. ;)