How did these two even come to this position??
Saw this somewhere with Canada, fixed it
Submitted 4 days ago by to [deleted]
Comments 4 days ago 4 days ago
There was an actual building under the plank, which was dismantled in the last decades 4 days ago
One half dismantles the building illegally or unethically, then hands the tools to the other who says they can’t fix it, who then hands the tools back for further disassembly.
Meanwhile both have parachutes due to insider trading, so it doesn’t really matter if other people in the building are killed when everything falls apart. 4 days ago
People thought they were richer four years ago and ignored that standing on a board on top of a half built sky scrapper is dangerous and stupid. Then a dork with a short penis that happens to be the world’s richest man gave a NAZI salute. 4 days ago
Our infallible forefathers planned this flawless 2-party system and I won’t hear anything else from you commie propagandists 4 days ago
portals 4 days ago
That makes much more sense with the US gov and its immigration stance. People thinking “illegals” are freeloaders will be making the surprised pikachu face when nobody wants do their jobs and blame the democrats when the prices of everything keep rising. 4 days ago
Not just their old jobs. The jobs we don’t want and never had any desire to do. 3 days ago
i saw it as maga kicking everyone else because they are gonna fall too lol 2 days ago
yup. our agricultural industries depend on foreign labor - same with meat packing and construction. And most of them pay taxes and all of them pay sales taxes, property taxes etc.,
like, they’re literally benefiting the economy you dolts…