It’s in the trailer, so not really a spoiler.
New movie Mickey 17 is exactly that idea. Guy gets a job where he is expected to die and ‘respawn’ over and over.
I wasn’t a fan of the book, but the movie looks good.
Submitted 3 days ago by to [deleted]
It’s in the trailer, so not really a spoiler.
New movie Mickey 17 is exactly that idea. Guy gets a job where he is expected to die and ‘respawn’ over and over.
I wasn’t a fan of the book, but the movie looks good.
You remember Steve from IT? The only one who knew how to manage our backend infrastructure? Well, after that unfortunate plane crash, we uploaded the entire contents of his laptop, cellphone, and personal cloud to an artificial AI. We were able to revive him to bring him back. Even better now, because we have him resurrected in simulated form, he now exists in a perpetual state of working at the office and no longer needs to go home to rest or be with his family. That means with the new 24x7 productivity, we are expecting increased profits for this next quarter.
This planet must be destroyed, immediately
They selected him and others and purposely moved them to dangerous areas so they could get a RoboCop. So it’s worse than the meme suggests.
And Max Headroom.
Bro literally giving 110% 💪👊
They took permanent employee literally
I wish I had this kind of job security
Possibly the most Cyberpunk movie of all time.
Time to watch Moon again.
Dead Like Me: we are just temps 3 days ago
Robocop is a scathing critique on capitalism. What’s nuts is O doing think everyone gets that. It’s literally the underlying theme of the movie.
Same thing happens with starship troopers. People miss the fact it’s a critique of fascism and colonialism even though the movie ends with Nazi uniforms. 3 days ago
In all fairness, the Starship Troopers sequels forget the point of the first film too. And the fact that movies are supposed to be watchable. 3 days ago
I had no idea there was a sequel. Based on what you say about it, I’ll try to fake believing that is still the case. 3 days ago
But the movie has cool guns and explosions so who cares about that when we have shiny thing? 3 days ago
I’d buy that for a dollar! 2 days ago
This is off topic and super nerdy.
The phrase was originally “I’d buy that for a quarter” and it came from a story called “The Marching Morons” by CM Kornbluth.
That story was the basis of the movie “Idiocracy.” 2 days ago
Verhoeven is an understated genius.
We haven’t gone far enough down the timeline to see little X$Σ≞ Musk cutting off the mutant’s air supply on Mars yet, but I have confidence we’ll get there. 2 days ago
I need Verhoeven to fuck my shit up today. What other movie of him will do that? 3 days ago
This also applies to Warhammer 40K. Not everyone seems to get that universe is messed up. 2 days ago
I didn’t get that when I watched it, it was just a great action movie for me. But to be fair I was 12. 2 days ago
The issue is Starship Troopers is not fascist, it is more obvious in the book compared to the film. The society is described as multicultural and multiracial with only a very competitive merit based society. While “citizenship” is stuck behind service, it includes all kinds of service, and the army is required to take all people who wish to become no matter their physical state. Not being a citizen does not stop people from engaging in commerce or becoming wealthy or voicing your opinions on topics. Citizens really only get the opportunity to vote and preference in government jobs and programs. 2 days ago
The movie clearly shows meritocratic rainbow fascism is coherent with fascism. Every pore of that society exudes fascism. 2 days ago
The film was loosely based on the book and was explicitly written as a critique on fascism and the book. Verhoeven and Neumeier have said as much.
But also, I don’t think you know what fascism is. There’s always people in a fascist state that have a good quality of life. The question is what happens to people that don’t fit in the state mold? What happens to enemies of the state? Who gets classified as an enemy of the state? Who holds power or can hold power in the state? The fact that to be a citizen you’d have to start by joining the state party is de-facto a fascist state.
In the film, the enemies were the Arachnids. War started because of the colonization of arachnid territories and extermination was the next order of business. Even though Arachnids are depicted as being thinking and intelligent beings. That was the point of the final scene “It’s afraid!”. Rather than try to understand or communicate with the alien/foreigner/etc, the government prioritized extermination and learning to make it fear them. 2 days ago
The society as described by Heinlein definitely ticks many of the boxes for fascism, much like platypuses tick many of the boxes for being a mammal.