One of my all time favorite writers is Ross Thomas. He was a WW2 veteran who became a Washington reporter before he started writing crime novels. In one of his books people are stunned to find out that a rich guy spent $3 million to build a house near the California coast. Later we learn that he promises to pay his personal lawyer the exact same salary as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
1980s book 6 days ago
You still can. My dad bought a 2010 F150 for $400 a couple years ago. Sure it used to be a salt truck and therefore had more rust than metal left on its body. Sure it had 4 bald flat tires on it. Sure you have to disconnect the battery every time you park it or it dies. Sure the CD player ocasionally makes grinding noises and starts smelling like smoke every once in a while until you whack the dash hard enough to make it stop. Sure it has no shocks left whatsoever and it feels like you’re driving a trampoline. But who cares about minor things like all that?