Not a single word of this article explains why. It only says that food prices will remain high, and probably go up more when the tariffs are enacted, and we should just suck it up and deal with it because there’s “nothing anyone can do.”
Which is obviously bullshit.
The reason food prices remain high is simple corporate profitmongering, and the (US) government absolutely could do something about it but they won’t. Food is a product – the product – with a notoriously inelastic demand, so retailers and middlemen in every step of the supply chain can and do pad their profits by as much as the market will bear plus a little more on top. Because they know they can get away with it and the vast majority of people will have no choice but to pay whatever it is, or starve.
The margin on prepared packaged food items is typically in the order of 15-35% per link in the supply chain (supplier -> manufacturer -> distributor -> retailer). Everybody wants too big of a slice of the pie. The government absolutely could step in and pass a law stipulating thou shalt not charge more than 10% (or whatever) over your invoice, under pain of us confiscating every penny above that mark via taxes and using them to pay for soup kitchens. But That Would Be Socialism^tm^, so it’ll never happen here.
(And yes, the margins on unprocessed foods like produce and meat are slightly lower.) 2 months ago
Here’s why: “because they can get away with it” 2 months ago
Because they haven’t been deposed. Yet.