- Comment on Silicon Valley’s ultra-individualist philosophy wants to conquer the world 6 days ago:
I don’t agree. I think these people are acting out of what they believe to be self interest, even if it is an unenlightened self interest. Why else would they desire to be at the “top of the collective?” What do they gain if not special, INDIVIDUAL, privileges, opportunities, liberties, etc?
- Comment on Silicon Valley’s ultra-individualist philosophy wants to conquer the world 6 days ago:
The centralized monopolies are built to serve the interests of, and to consolidate the powers and control of, a relatively small number of individuals. There’s nothing more freeing an individual than total power and control over others.
- Comment on Experts say high food prices are here to stay. Here's why 1 month ago:
Because we’ve passed peak agricultural land. The land committed to growing crops and pasture used for grazing livestock has peaked. The global population, however, continues to increase. There are methods for maximizing yields from farm land, and we haven’t exhausted those, but there’s only so much food that can be produced on a hectare of land. We also have to deal with top soil depletion, the risks of monoculture, the effects climate change could have on crop yields, and many other problems.
- Comment on Sonic Galactic Is So Good "It Could Stand As An Official Sega Product" 1 month ago:
That looks too good to be an official Sega product.
- Comment on Beautiful stories like this just make you smile 1 month ago:
women are untrustworthy sluts!
Some are, especially many of the wives and girlfriends of American servicemen.
- Comment on Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated 4 months ago:
Nintendo doesn’t want you to play their games if you’re not willing to follow their rules. Ok, that’s their prerogative, but that means I will not be playing their games…at least not their new ones.
I prefer playing on my Steam Deck these days, and I really don’t want to buy another handheld just to play Nintendo first party titles. I’m going to play some of my favorite classic Nintendo titles on my Deck using emulators and just not play the new stuff. I’m sure they’re great games, but so what? There are lots of great games. I’ve got a huge backlog of great games already in my Steam library, and 20 more on my wishlist. If Nintendo some day decides to make their titles available for Steam Deck or PC, I’d consider buying them, but since that’s extremely unlikely to happen, I think I’m just done with Nintendo.
- Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 4 months ago:
Nintendo has burned through all the good will they developed with me when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s. I doubt I’ll ever buy another Nintendo product again. Not that it matters to Nintendo, though. I’m many years removed from their target demographic. They make products for young people and that ain’t me. I’m sure those younger Nintendo fans will keep supporting the company, but, as for me, I’ve got the classic Nintendo games I want and I’ll keep playing them on whatever device I want. If Nintendo doesn’t like that, they can kiss my whole ass.
- Comment on Minecraft *Movie Edition* 5 months ago:
The irony is, something like this probably would have been a lot less expensive to make, while also appealing more to fans. It’s funny how so many people in the movie business are not very good at, you know, the movie business.
- Comment on With Shared Software, Landlords Are Teaming Up to Raise Rents 6 months ago:
It’s admirable that you are trying to help some service men and women, and not merely looking to make the highest possible profit for yourself. I’m sure you’re not the only landlord who isn’t motivated primarily by greed, but many, if not most, are, because they are incentivized to be.
When the goal is maximum profits, it incentivizes business owners of all types to generate as much revenue as possible (and in the case of housing, that means increase rents as much as possible) and cut costs as much as possible. That’s why many people are paying more and more for lower and lower quality housing.
The problem is the profit motive. And we can’t just hope that all landlords will decide to be more like you, not when they have every incentive to be as greedy as possible.
- Comment on With Shared Software, Landlords Are Teaming Up to Raise Rents 6 months ago:
So yeah, I need serious “profit” just to break even.
That’s a contradiction in terms. To break even is by definition not a profit. To have a profit, you need a surplus after you minus expenses from revenue. If landlords were content to just break even, I wouldn’t necessarily have a problem with them. In fact, I think not-for-profit housing could go a long way in addressing the housing affordability crisis.
- Comment on With Shared Software, Landlords Are Teaming Up to Raise Rents 6 months ago:
I have a real problem with landlords. It feels like an especially predatory business. Some things just shouldn’t be for profit. I mean, when you own something that people universally need, and charge as much as you possibly can for it, to maximize your own profit, for nothing other than just being the owner, it feels really scummy.
- Comment on NCSoft president: "The games industry's evolution towards acceptance and diversity is ongoing" 6 months ago:
I think greater access to game development tools has been a very good thing for the industry. These days, I’m generally much more interested in what’s coming from indie developers than any of the big companies, with a few exceptions. I think that’s the best way to increase the diversity of games and game developers. Greater access to game development resources will help to democratize the gaming industry.
- Comment on CFCs 10 months ago:
I’ve always hated this comparison because the two problems are just not the same, at all. CFCs were nowhere near as ubiquitous as fossil hydrocarbons, and CFCs had an essentially drop-in replacement, which fossil fuels do not. There’s no non-hydrocarbon fuel that we can just replace for coal, natural gas, gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, etc. None that I’m aware of, anyway.