To achieve its climate goals, the city helped finance the largest solar farm east of the Mississippi River.
Good job Chicago!
Submitted 2 months ago by to
To achieve its climate goals, the city helped finance the largest solar farm east of the Mississippi River.
Good job Chicago!
Now if only our street parking weren’t owned by banks and foreign governements and we could get some real bike lane coverage.
I do love my city though.
To be fair, bike lane coverage has been steadily improving. I’m cautiously optimistic…
Yes it’s very easy to do this when you earmark.
“Our new datacenter uses 100% clean energy”
Yes and 100% of that power could be used to replace fossil fuels if your datacenter wasn’t built.
They didn’t build new city buildings
In defence of this argument: I’ve thought the same thing about projects in my city. Like say there’s capacity for new solar. The power company could build it and make a small impact on the power mix, or they could earmark it for a project/building and let them say they’re “100% renewable.”
Mostly just politics bs, but still feel like this could be somewhat deceptive in the wrong context.
Its not to say that new renewables arent good. It’s just dishonest. Take a look at this paragraph:
Chicago alone has agreed to purchase approximately half the installation’s total output, which will cover about 70 percent of its municipal buildings’ electricity needs. City officials plan to cover the remaining 30 percent through the purchase of renewable energy credits.
So it’s not powered by renewables. It’s literally just earmarking (and funding)
Oh yah?
Pretty cool running all the heat on solar at night in January.
City officials plan to cover the remaining 30 percent through the purchase of renewable energy credits.
Provably powered by water and wind at night.
Ah, so it's powered by coal, natural gas, and bullshit & lies.
A major US city is running on renewables and taking stress off the national grid only during the daytime still sounds like a win for me.
Nuclear, Illinois is over half nuclear. Great for base load.
Yes actually, it's almost humorous that they've made good changes alongside the stuff that's just meant to give people who aren't paying any attention warm fuzzy feelings.
You tried 2 months ago
It’s a lot easier to go green when you use 50% nuclear. Great to hear.