An actual manhole cover, this is either going to transcend shitpost or literally define it.
Nobody in their right mind would put that inside, so was either built by someone not in the right mind or an extension that just paved right over it.
Manhole covers are used for structural rigidity and tamper prevention.
First (and most hopeful) thing that would come to mind is a rainwater sewer.
No idea of country of origin, it could be someone’s idea of a protective measure for a boundary trap If the sewer main runs directly under the property which would be a bit unusual.
If it is a shaft to a regular sewer, I think you’d smell that.
Rent’s going to go crazy if it turns out to be a parallel dimension attached to a mansion or something. 2 months ago
Step 1: Refuse to pay
Step 2: Hide in secret room
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Become the main charactor of Parasite (the movie)? 2 months ago 2 months ago
it just hit me that there’s a main character in that movie. So many memorable side characters