Yes, totally random silly question 😂
If you’ve committed a crime, you can always turn yourself in. If you really felt like it, you could even make them come out to you to pick you up.
A “citizen’s arrest” usually requires the suspect commit a crime (usually a felony,) in your presence and requires a certain amount of timeliness. (Ie you can’t later decide to arrest them.)
Basically, you’d only be allowed to detain them until cops arrived, and to be totally honest, is not something you really should be doing- just let the perps go. It’s safer for you, and there’s legal risks if you fucked up and what they didn’t wasn’t a crime or wasn’t a serious enough crime. 4 months ago
Yes, it’s called turning yourself in, and people do it because they feel guilty, or they know they’re going to be caught anyways, and are hoping cooperation earns them a lesser sentence.