There was a sub with real scientific charts that looks like shitpost
try fingers but hole
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Comments 5 months ago 5 months ago
That’s why it’s Fleming’s right hand rule: his hand is broken. 5 months ago
Also, that thumb looks very swollen 5 months ago
Ahhh, so that’s why I was always so bad a physics 5 months ago
it’s rough when the math gets so complicated that you have to break your finger in order to be able to visualize things 5 months ago
This rule always pissed me off because it makes absolutely no sense to me and it’s terrible as a shorthand but my physics professors could not stop preaching it for any length of time to come up with something better 5 months ago
Does this help? Short of making sure that your fingers actually are mutually orthogonal.
“x,y,z” of course is an easy order you learned it in primary school, for it to make sense for the physics you need to memorise that order. The handedness is dictated by the signs of the vectors, I guess if you were to flip the sign of some natural constant the whole thing would suddenly be left-handed.
It of course is also not an explanation of why the stuff is like it is. You say handedness plus assigning things to fingers is terrible as a shorthand? Show me something better, then.
(and, yes, for some reason there’s no 3d software which uses x as the up/down axis. Whether that means that the industry has a bit of sanity left in it I’m not so sure it might be an accident). 5 months ago
Speak of the devil…
I know what a 3 dimensional axis looks like. Trying to make my cram my hand into a poor approximation of one does not help me personally understand fields.
I don’t know how I should be the one to come up with a better shorthand if I’m the one being taught and not understanding. 5 months ago
If the flow of current follows in the direction the index finger is pointing, then the the magnetic field lines will flow in the direction the middle finger is pointing, the thumb points in the direction that the force is exerted. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Maybe it’s the resolution of the picture, but those look like finger-teeth to me. I never thought I’d be so upset by molars before, and I’ve seen those pictures of people with that disorder that makes their entire roof of their mouth nothing but molar mutations, which is pretty fucked up. 5 months ago
You wouldn’t like this thing’s grab attack. (Monstrosity of Sin from Dark Souls 3) 5 months ago 5 months ago
Anyone else do a double take to see if this was a loss meme? 5 months ago 5 months ago
They’re scientists, not artists.