- Comment on This speaks for itself 4 days ago:
I disagree but I’m willing to accept a compromise at gargoyles.
- Comment on Nope 2 weeks ago:
Some dude would most definitely be keeping them as pets
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 2 months ago:
If “other people’s money” ever ran out we wouldn’t have billionaires.
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 2 months ago:
I struggle with longer reads especially stuff written in a version of English that isn’t current and also very dense.
The marx madness podcast was started with the intent to fill this obvious gap and make theory just a little more approachable. Highly recommend even if you aren’t able to read along and just use the podcast as a kind of sparknotes.
- Comment on Petrichor 3 months ago:
Smells kinda dry and vaguely fishy/metallic.
Should be noted however that it’s not very healthy to breathe it in and large and/or repeated exposures can cause respiratory damage. Some static electricity is probably fine but I don’t want to encourage someone to go out there and learn what it smells like first hand
- Comment on Petrichor 3 months ago:
Ozone is the smell of an electrical fire
- Comment on How else are ypu supposed to check for a beam on your accelerator? 3 months ago:
More than a few teeth/entire jaws were lost over this I reckon
- Comment on WILD 4 months ago:
Hard disagree on all points.
- Comment on We are at the Wolfenstein stage of capital. 4 months ago:
I don’t think that’s okay for military purposes either tbh. Actually it’s pretty disgusting.
- Comment on try fingers but hole 5 months ago:
Speak of the devil…
I know what a 3 dimensional axis looks like. Trying to make my cram my hand into a poor approximation of one does not help me personally understand fields.
I don’t know how I should be the one to come up with a better shorthand if I’m the one being taught and not understanding.
- Comment on try fingers but hole 5 months ago:
This rule always pissed me off because it makes absolutely no sense to me and it’s terrible as a shorthand but my physics professors could not stop preaching it for any length of time to come up with something better
- Comment on Horseshoe crabs be like 5 months ago:
Yet some of them still managed to evolve into spiders…
- Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 6 months ago:
Those are clearly millipedes
- Comment on Baidu: Driverless Car Hits Jaywalker in China 7 months ago:
I’d argue they need to fuck up less than the alternative means of transport that we could be transitioning to if we weren’t so dead-set on being car dependent. So dead-set, in fact, that we are allowing ourselves to be made complacent by billion-dollar companies that peddle entirely new technology to excuse the death and destruction to our environment and social fabric that they’ve wrought upon us and continue to perpetuate, instead of us demanding the old, safer, more affordable, but less profitable tech that our country sold out to those same monied interests for them to dismantle.
- Comment on "Free Access! Just give us your email." 8 months ago:
Walmart did this with their wifi recently, you have to enter an email to get access. Of course it makes sense that mobile data doesn’t really work inside a giant steel warehouse, but I can’t seem to recall not having any mobile data signal at all until my last walmart visit.
I used to keep to myself and look up the location of the item I was looking for online. If they want me to bother a floor person for it though, doing that is highly preferable to giving walmart my email to sell along with any information they can extrapolate from my usage of their network.
- Comment on Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy. 8 months ago:
Also, why the focus on rich and middle class? Is the vast majority of america not “lower”/working class?
- Comment on We may clown on him a lot but it's genuinely quite dystopian how much power Elon Musk has. 9 months ago:
His “reach” is 90% bots and the rest are white supremacists
- Comment on Farmers Hiding Bird Flu Cases in Cattle from the FedGov 9 months ago:
uh idk about the treatments thing specifically but the pink slime myth was both circulated and debunked before 2010, and the image that was going around of it was not taken in any facility relating to McDonald’s. It also wasn’t the nuggets that were treated with ammonia and homogenized, but the beef, and according to AP, “McDonalds stopped using the by-product, known in the industry as lean, finely-textured beef, in 2011”
I really don’t consider myself a McDonald’s defender but the least you could do is say things that are true lol
- Comment on xkcd #2932: Driving PSA 9 months ago:
Yeah this is the only legal way to turn left in a road with a median like this in michigan. You have to turn right to turn left.
- Comment on blast me off, fam 10 months ago:
Username checks out
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
no, this is patrick
- Comment on 41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!! 1 year ago:
Right cause I think having both having access to normie content and giving normies access to fediverse content is a positive thing if we can balance out the power dynamic with meta. Blocking threads content would just defeat the purpose imo, it would prevent people from leaving threads for the fediverse because they wont be able to get the same content. If threads has it all and fediverse doesn’t, most people are just going to go to/stay at threads. It could backfire.
Maybe if instances could allow meta users to see their posts to pique their interest/gain exposure, but those users have to join a different instance in order to interact? Kind of like an ad I guess but UI native and unpaid. Though I’m really not sure if the fediverse platform would even support such things in the first place, and if meta couldn’t just fire back with the same thing. It’s just the first thing that comes to mind.
The fediverse’s number one issues right now as I see it are accessibility and content density. I get the concerns people have with EEE but I also struggle not to see this as handling that last E (exterminate) ourselves just to spite meta. I want to join threads just to see what my friends and everyday people are posting, and I’d really like those people to join the fediverse so I can interact with them here. The only things keeping me away from threads however are privacy concerns and supporting meta, so being able to see the same content on a different instance might just be the best of both worlds.
- Comment on Maybe AI won't be taking all of our jobs after all? 1 year ago:
Last time I tried that I burned my entire kitchen down
- Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year ago:
Never heard of stations before today, wish I got a chance to try it though. Looks like it came out just after they removed the radio feature from the main app. Damn…
I tried Pandora, I think for a year or two. It’s alright but after a while I started falling into the same artist bubbles I experienced with post-radio Spotify. It’s owned by Sirius which isn’t doing so well (and I can’t stand their marketing practices) so I can’t imagine they’ve got as much resources to devote as Spotify. The app is a little buggy and rudimentary but not completely lacking polish.
The behavior when your Internet drops out (like if you happen to go driving out in the sticks) leaves a lot to be desired, but you can save playlists so it’s not a huge deal. There’s this one live version of a song that just does not want to stay deleted from my playlist. Oh, and you can’t use it outside of North America without a VPN. It’s little stuff, it’s not experience-breaking for the most part.
I do like that you switch between different algorithms for a radio station. Something like “fan favorites”, “artist only”, “deep cuts”, maybe one or two more options. It’s overall not a bad alternative, the bad parts obviously stick in my head better than the good but I’d probably still be using it weren’t for my European friends all using Spotify and sharing songs/playlists with me like that.
- Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year ago:
Nah I’m not talking about stations, I’m talking about radio. It was like, the main feature of Spotify for a while.
The “radio” you can make nowadays isn’t a radio at all, it’s a static playlist and a lot of the times the playlist it generates is just 50% ripped from my listening history, resulting in artist bubbles that for me have proven impossible to escape.
- Comment on Gen Z is cooking more and shopping less as they struggle to achieve financial success 1 year ago:
Damn morality of shoplifting aside that should qualify as entrapment or something. At that point it’s not about loss prevention, it’s just petty revenge.
- Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year ago:
I remember when it was a literal radio feature in Spotify and it was this but the algorithm was decent and you could curate different stations.
- Comment on YouTube cracking on ad blockers. 1 year ago:
Oh no, some troll on the internet thinks I’m the one with issues. What will I ever do.
- Comment on YouTube cracking on ad blockers. 1 year ago:
Yeah they probably serve it to certain demographics like “men between 25 and 45” or something.
I’ve never gotten ads even close to what they describe but probably because I’m a woman and fall on the elder end of gen z. So I get God awful temu and tiktok ads and then what I assume is just served to the general populace like whatever latest child mower they’re calling a consumer truck these days.
- Comment on YouTube cracking on ad blockers. 1 year ago:
The temu and tiktok ads that seem to be intentionally engineered to provoke extreme negative emotions such as discomfort and irritation, that force your attention on the screen by overloading your ears with so much noise that you feel compelled to take in some amount of visual information to ease the shock, and then tacking on hashtag slogans at the end like “oddly satisfying” after a video of a fucking butcher knife cutting through colorful play sand or “shop like a billionaire” after yelling at me about cheap Chinese goods, both of which only serving as reminders of the current state of society at large and pushing me ever so closer to a state of rage, are what finally pushed me to install vanced on my android.
It’s psychological torture and it should be against international human rights law.