Now there’s a man who knows how to start a conversation.
Submitted 2 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Comments 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
I’m Ron Burgundy? 2 weeks ago
Teleprompters are also phonetic. So some words are mangled to be pronounced quickly.
It’s entirely likely that what he actually read of the promoter was something like “PAN-TEES” which only “groks” once said aloud (reading and speaking are quite separate parts of the brain BTW). 2 weeks ago
Nice generalization on how teleprompters work.
I’ve worked the speed on one and had to input text into others. And there being phonetic text was a rare occurrence and only for technical terms or similar. And 100% sure „pantries“ would be one of them.
Maybe there are systems that do this (which I think is highly unlikely, as it would make it harder for someone reading whole phonetic sentences), but I wouldn’t go as far as saying: „Teleprompters are also phonetic.“ Btw what’s your source on this?
My guess would be that, as while we are reading text fast, we don’t actually read all letters or their proper order in a word, but our brain just quickly scans the letters and context and outputs what it makes out to be the right word in this situation, this was just a misinterpretation. The other option could be that somebody made a spelling error and „panties“ was actually displayed on the prompter. 2 weeks ago
Ok, hear me out. That shit would be painful as fuck because it would soak up every ounce of moisture. I’ve had sad in there, and that really sucks, but I can’t imagine the rice getting in there. I’d likely scream by the end of the day. 2 weeks ago
It would take ages to cook too 2 weeks ago
It might ferment before cooking, producing sake under the right conditions. 2 weeks ago
🤮 2 weeks ago
isnt that some Latino tradition or did my friend make it up so they could stick a fist full of rice down my pants? 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
My first thought was rice paddies.
Even wetter than rice panties 2 weeks ago
Check your panties, Ladies. You may just find 175,000 rice 2 weeks ago
Image 2 weeks ago
This meme is old enough to vote. 2 weeks ago
This legitimately made me laugh for like 30 seconds
what is wrong with me 2 weeks ago
:3 2 weeks ago
Pictured above is a pantyless butt, with 2 rice still stuck to the back. 2 weeks ago
record scratch …ladies?