There are a handful of states that are doing a great job crafting solar policy that makes it affordable and accessible for homeowners and renters alike to go solar. No state has created the perfect set of legislative conditions that make it easier or cheaper for residents to install solar panels, but these are the states that have the best solar incentives right now.
Woo New Jersey!! We’re good at things sometimes!! 6 months ago
Why do all the states with great sun and no clouds suck at solar??? 6 months ago
Hey, New Mexico’s pretty good! 6 months ago
California has both, plus lots of open land, and they’ve been building solar farms like crazy for years now. I’d love to get solar, but I’m in the PNW, and we only get a couple months worth of sunshine per year. Sad-face.jpg.exe (totally just an image. Just open it. Ignore the exe part if you’re showing extensions like some kind of tech guru). 6 months ago
On Lemmy, if you want to embed an image, you need to put the file within markdown like this: