It’s kind of a work shower thought
Someone call 911 OP is having a stroke.
Submitted 7 months ago by to
It’s kind of a work shower thought
Someone call 911 OP is having a stroke.
I mean, who hasn’t?
Thanks for the translation!
I don’t follow
Clearly taking the 25 or 6 to 4 approach of writing a title
Staring blindly into space
15:55 tho
So much like 5:00 a.m. ? Right … Asking the real question here.
If I’m following correctly, 11:19AM seems like it’s a long ways off from 5PM when you haven’t even had your lunch break yet. But then 4:00PM rolls around and THE FINAL COUNTDOWN starts where you only have ONE HOUR left in your workday.
I dunno, that’s just my interpretation. Just riffing at this point.
Sometimes they don’t think it be like it is, but it do.
What? 7 months ago
what 7 months ago
I think op is drowning in the shower 7 months ago
The clock hand placement for 11:19 is the reverse of 3:55. I assume OP’s workday ends at 4 PM.