I enjoy cheap tacos, long walks on the beach at sunset, and all things baseball.
Let’s go Padres!
- Comment on I wonder how many US babies have been named Donald in the last few years and may live to regret it. 7 months ago:
Nice. Office Space reference.
- Comment on Why does 11:19AM have to look so much like 5 till 4PM? 7 months ago:
If I’m following correctly, 11:19AM seems like it’s a long ways off from 5PM when you haven’t even had your lunch break yet. But then 4:00PM rolls around and THE FINAL COUNTDOWN starts where you only have ONE HOUR left in your workday.
I dunno, that’s just my interpretation. Just riffing at this point.
- Comment on US slows plans to retire coal plants because of AI power usage 7 months ago:
Non-paywall link?
- Comment on Adult pool goers - what do people even do at the pool? 7 months ago:
Poop in the shallow end
- Comment on Young people today are stressed, depressed—and changing the fundamental pattern of happiness, new research shows 7 months ago:
Damn, homeboy, get your depressed ass on some Lexapro or some shit.
- Comment on If we are worried about microplastics, why isnt there more outrage over "microfiber" ? 1 year ago:
I don’t know about you, but I need all the fiber I can get to get my “downstairs flowing” in the mornings…
- Comment on YSK about bismuth subgallate, an "internal deodorant" that makes your stools and flatulence not smelly 1 year ago:
But that takes all the fun out of crop dusting my roommates and coworkers.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Testicles. That is all.
- Comment on Think you're tough? Try being vulnerable. 1 year ago:
Haha not on your life!
- Comment on If I was Aquaman, I’d call my semen “Aquamayonaise” 1 year ago:
This is so freakin’ stupid I love it.
- Comment on Why do people self-harm? 1 year ago:
From a medical point of view, self-harming, or “cutting”, releases endorphins from the brain. It can be a very powerful and addictive habit that is hard to break.
- Comment on 1 year ago: