That’s the question.
- Historically, almost any US politician who didn't give full enthusiastic support for whatever war crimes Israel wanted to commit would lose their job because of AIPAC. That doesn't seem to be true anymore but old habits die hard.
- The Mideast has a bunch of oil and we like to go on little military/covert operation adventures there that coincidentally end up with leaders in place who want to sell it to us for cheap. That means it's pretty useful to have a no-questions-asked stable ally on the ground there; we have some others, but they're not as reliable or permanent or beholden to us as Israel is. 10 months ago
It amazes me that no-one ever seems to say (not that I have seen, at least)…Isreal is a western, democratic state with nuclear weapons in the middle east.
It’s basically a major power base for the west in the predominantly arab part of the world.
Anything else is a side arguement as far as I’m concerned. 10 months ago
Israel is an Apartheid state not a Democracy. Please don’t spread lies. 10 months ago
Well yeah but why would the US quibble over the strength of their democracy? It’s a western, pseudo-democratic state with nuclear weapons in the middle east. 9 months ago
What apartheid are they committing? Is Palestine not its own democracy? 10 months ago
This is the only explanation that spans parties and ideologies. Loosing this foothold would be detrimental to regional military and diplomatic influence. 10 months ago
The US has something like 18 bases in the middle east. Israel is not a strategic asset in any way shape or form. 10 months ago
We need to trust such a country to be judicious in their use of force, to not engage in any unnecessary conflict that puts both they and their allies at risk, and we want that country to be stable and share our values.
Israel is not demonstrating these qualities, at least not now.
Given that, why should we continue our support? 10 months ago
Isn’t the current government on extended time? That’s not a very democratic thing.
Anyway, when Iran was quickly moving to become a democracy, the US wasn’t supporting them. 10 months ago
They have nukes but other than that we have better allies and better democracies in the region. 10 months ago
such as ?