- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 3 weeks ago:
I think therapy helps as a remediation, but it’s not preventive nor does it fully solve the problem because ultimately it’s transactional and paying someone to listen is fully different from finding someone who listens to you that you also want to listen to.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 3 weeks ago:
Traditional masculinity dictates that men don’t share their feelings (with the exception of anger and aggression because that’s not a feeling that’s just being manly). Sadness, despair, loneliness, depression all will be commonly bottled up and left untreated which leads to deep-seated feelings of isolation. The cure has to be a change in social norms, including decoupling the ideas of being socially vulnerable with being feminine.
This is a gross generalization of the issue but it definitely describes my experience with it.
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 2 months ago:
“In our limited language that tries to describe reality and does so very poorly, how would you describe this situation that would literally never happen?”
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 2 months ago:
I do turn off my PC. But most of the time, I do it by pressing the software-based “restart” button in my OS, not by pressing the physical button on the case. Otherwise I normally use hibernate which is also software-bound and can be undone by pressing the space bar. I’m not saying I never press the physical power button or that I never turn off my computer. I’m just saying it’s in no way a big deal to have to lift up a small box sometimes to press a button like one a week
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 2 months ago:
I should have considered that I was posting this comment to Lemmy before posting it.
Maybe you push the dedicated power button on your computer’s case everyday but I’m very confident most users of any computer do not. And in that regard I’m including all computers - wearable, handheld, and laptops. We’re well past the age where most users feel the need to fully shutdown and boot their computers everyday, AND there are plenty of software buttons and even some physical keyboard buttons for shutting down a computer so I mean it when I say that I think most computer case’s power buttons go untouched for definitely days and possibly weeks at a time.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 2 months ago:
I’m not really trying to come to Apple’s defense here as they don’t need it, but everyone reacting as though this is as bad as or worse than the mouse charging port seems to be ignoring the fact that most computers nowadays don’t need to be manually turned off or on with any level of frequency. People will push this button like once or twice a month I imagine. I don’t see why that’s the end of the world.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on OpenAI is now valued at $157 billion 3 months ago:
When I copy and paste someone else’s work, I get called a plagiarist and get fired.
When OpenAI creates a robot that does it really really really fast, they make enough money to feed the planet hundreds of times over.
I don’t want to live on this planet any more.
- Comment on Do you still play couch coop nowadays? Which games do you recommend? 5 months ago:
A FANTASTIC underground couch co-op game is “Super Space _____” (read: Super Space Blank).
Imagine Asteroids, but everyone is controlling a cannon on the same ship, and the only means of propelling the ship is Newton’s third law. When your cannon hits an asteroid, it turns your color and when the asteroid leaves the game space the points for that asteroid go to the person whose color the asteroid is. If the ship leaves the game area, the game is over. It’s the best example of co-ompetitive I’ve ever seen.
It’s only available on Digipen’s website since it was a student project but it’s magnificent for up to 4 players
- Comment on Do you still play couch coop nowadays? Which games do you recommend? 5 months ago:
Fred & Bread looks amazing though I have not played it. Two penguins who are tied together with a rope have to climb a mountain together using nothing but each other and momentum
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 5 months ago:
Businesses really are just artificial mines, aren’t they?
- Comment on Perfection 7 months ago:
“How’s work’n the Ordovician era, Frankiiieee?” “‘sarright” “Poor Frankie…”
- Comment on Found a good book 7 months ago:
“Yesterday, I Asked You how do you prepare jewish-japanese meals and sex, and how do you raise wolves? Here are your best answers.”
- Comment on Tea Time 7 months ago:
This and the cube rule are the best way to make an argument for categorizing edible items
- Comment on Lords of the Fallen reboot Lords of the Fallen is getting a sequel in 2026, probably called Lords of the Fallen 7 months ago:
What I don’t get is why Deck13 kicked ass with The Surge 2, showing they really know how to iterate and improve on a core concept really well, but now this IP was taken from them to be given to a completely different team?
TBH I didn’t play LOTF but I really just want to see Deck13 make another game like LOTF or The Surge
- Comment on Redfall will receive one final update after all, including an offline mode 8 months ago:
My cynical brain says the only reason they’re allowing this update is to have evidence that “see, no one cares about offline mode because we added it and no one bought the game!”
- Comment on Sony Music warns AI companies against “unauthorized use” of its content 8 months ago:
This feels like one of those Ford Pinto moments, where the accountants and lawyers got together and determined there was a larger profit margin to take the path less traveled
- Comment on Flat Earth is so yesterday 8 months ago:
This idea really has me tickled pink. It’s like if Unicron was a fuckin dinobot.
That being said it’s hard to forget that the difference in elevation between Mt. Everest and the Mariana trench is less than the greatest variation in elevation on a standard regulation billiard ball so this would be one gummy ass velociraptor dinobot planet
- Comment on Why does the government of the USA stand by the country of Israel? 8 months ago:
This isn’t flame bait. I honestly didn’t know. I’ve heard a mixture of confused ideas and wanted to see what people here thought
- Comment on Why does the government of the USA stand by the country of Israel? 8 months ago:
This is what I was taught when I was a kid. Somewhere in the Bible I think it says “blessed are the allies of Israel” or something like that but that seems like a terrible reason to arm and fund a genocide so it seemed like there had to be a different reason
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 50 comments
- Comment on Half Life 3 8 months ago:
I can’t think of a game that Valve has released just to make money except for Artifact which totally flopped.
From what I understand, Valve has a non-hierarchical internal personnel structure and projects are started because someone has an idea that other people at the company like and want to work on.
Half-Life 3 won’t get traction inside Valve unless it has something to push the envelope like the other main-line games had. Half-Life had unrivaled first person storytelling. Half-Life 2 has unrivaled physics to play with. Half-Life Alyx had an interactive environment unlike anything else that exists even still. My money says if Valve can’t think of something gameplay-wise that’s as enticing right now as any of the previous games had when they were released, they don’t care that the story is still on a cliffhanger.
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook 8 months ago:
The wild monetary successes of Call of Duty and Fortnite send a clear message: treat unsupervised children as prey and you will earn billions of dollars
- Comment on Even this post is propaganda. 9 months ago:
You know what? You’re right. I’m not! Wow, and here I was thinking I was.
- Comment on space 9 months ago:
Someone should build a space machine so we can travel through space freely
- Comment on Apex Legends streamers surprised to find aimbot and other hacks added to their PCs in the middle of major competition via anti-cheat software 10 months ago:
I imagine their surprise came across kind of like this
- Comment on Liking an OS isn't a personality trait ❌ 10 months ago:
I mean… you choose to read posts and comments here. You can choose to stop reading comments about Linux.
- Comment on Liking an OS isn't a personality trait ❌ 10 months ago:
Liking an OS isn’t a personality trait, but evangelizing for Free and Open Source Software which generally has no budget for advertising is a noble cause.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Eat Arby’s™️