Are we sure that “φουτοῦτρις” isn’t simply an ancient Greek word for “prostitute?”
I’m imagining a fancy corner office with the nameplate on the door reading
Mola Lead Fucktress
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Are we sure that “φουτοῦτρις” isn’t simply an ancient Greek word for “prostitute?”
I’m imagining a fancy corner office with the nameplate on the door reading
Mola Lead Fucktress
A quick google shows Romans had a few words for prostitute, including meretrix, so it seems likely.
Best fucksmith in the business
Your comment reads like an Oglaf comic.
having gone to catholic high school and taken latin, I find no fault in this logic.....teehee
that’s clearly Greek
FWIW, there is no indication that there is some etymological connection between futuo and fuck, because you could (mis)read the text like I did at first – although the translation is somewhat correct.
She simultaneously give fuck and don’t give a fuck. That’s how she got the name, she’s just so masterful with the fuck.
OT, but I think we would make a great pair - something like Crouching tiger, hidden dragon.
Nice, Angry Stego, Annoyed Crabby, got a nice ring to it 😂
Does this count as proto-shithouse graffiti?
No, but only because Pompeii has that too.
I’d be happier with “Mola the Fuckstress” somehow.
That implies that she was capable of multiple fucks simultaneously, and as anyone who’s attempted such would tell you: that ain’t happening. Only one fuck at a time, and all others are bonus; though the current fuck at any given moment could very well cycle throughout the options, it’s a matter of focused attention.
Given that she was literally a professional, I wouldn’t be so quick to doubt her skills and expertise.
Why are the fucks in parallel rather than in series?
I mean, people have more than one hole for a reason.
mola the fuckmistress 10 months ago
This is similarly good. Image 10 months ago
Statistical mechanics killed my grandfather! 10 months ago
That’s great, I love it. 10 months ago
Can confirm; definitely wanted to kill myself while studying PChem and Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.