Penguins have some really janky hitboxes that absolutely break the meta
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
You play as well? 10 months ago
Devs please nerf orcas. 10 months ago
The advantages the human “oligarch” subclass has will never be enough for them. 10 months ago
Are there non-circular cylinders or what does that even mean. 10 months ago
Maybe they meant prism, since a cylinder is technically one. 10 months ago
Maybe what they’re trying to describe is a torus 10 months ago
Now, how exactly is a penguin toroidal? 10 months ago
Imagine a donut-shaped penguin, love it! 😸 10 months ago
Maybe having halfspheres at the top and bottom? So more like a gas tank, less like a piece of sausage. 10 months ago
only thing i can figure is maybe technically you could call an ellipsoidal prism a cylinder also? seems like a stretch. 10 months ago
Yeah, I also thought that there might be a cylinder based on a ellipse. Not very common but possible 10 months ago
So every first person player character is actually modeled after penguins ? This explains the head bobbing! 10 months ago
ah yes, a classic “assuming that cows are sperhical” 10 months ago
That is a pretty close approximation. 10 months ago
Found the physicist. 10 months ago
[deleted] 10 months ago
under an appropriate level of abstraction you can make lots of types of cylinders. in topology you can define a cylinder of a (topological space) X to just be X × [0,1]. this kind of definition comes up pretty frequently, and is used to create mapping cylinders, which i suppose are another type of cylinder.
the “normal” kind of cylinder is then just (circle) × [0,1], or (filled in circle) × [0,1], depending on whether you want it to look like an empty paper towel roll or a (full) can of beans 10 months ago
Well if you made a penguin into an approximate cylinder it would likely be oval shaped soo since we are talking approximations I would say yes, there are cylinder like shapes that are not circular 10 months ago
Everyone playing Minecraft 10 months ago
Don’t you prefer a 1m x 1m cube? 10 months ago
Yes, but a Mincrafter assumes that the penguin is a cylinder 10 months ago
When you want to show that this knowledge will be needed in life: 10 months ago
Being able to work with useful approximations is an important and liberating skill for many tasks. 10 months ago
If theres anything that I took away from my 3 years of trying to get a physics degree before burning out on it around covid hit, its that like half of physics seems to be just figuring out what approximations you can safely make to turn something infeasibly complicated into something that can actually be worked out 10 months ago
Which, if you extrapolate that to humanity’s understanding of the universe, is the cornerstone of science. We know a lot, but we know a lot less than there is to know.
What degree did you end up pivoting to? I’m curious because I was a physicist who got into algorithm development. 10 months ago
I didnt really pivot to anything, I was very unsure what I wanted to do at that point, and being quite bad at learning virtually, which of course most everything had temporarily pivoted to at that time, I took an opportunity to move in with a family member in a different state that I liked better. Ive not gone back to school since as Ive been worried about spending a lot of time and effort and money on something that I cant see through to completion again or wont like using. Ive ended up working a low volume manufacturing type job at a company that makes measuring equipment (microscopes and spectroscopy devices and such like that), which Ive found tolerable enough as the work has some amount of variation, isn’t too physically or socially demanding, and at least has some scientific relevance (it doesn’t involve doing any science, but scientists cant do their work without the right equipment, so making some of that equipment still feels helpful in some small way). Ive thought about going back at some point if I can come up with something Im sure I’ll prefer doing, but so far have not and have no immediate plans. 10 months ago
Yep. All models are wrong, some are useful. 10 months ago
That’s pretty much the same in most fields, especially in the engineering direction. Idealized gases are idealized, steel beams are assumed to have a certain stiffness just by convention, and your entire existence is represented by a bunch of form fields stored in a database somewhere. 10 months ago
Isn’t a lot of engineering basically applied physics though anyway? Just reversed, such that rather than studying or predicting how a physical system should behave, you’re trying to take what has been learned over time and use it to work backwards to create a system that exhibits desired behavior