An aging Geodude…lemmy not gather much moss
- Comment on Tiger Predators 3 months ago:
Got me
- Comment on Tiger Predators 3 months ago:
Not even on the same continent. Hippos are in Africa and Tigers are in Asia. Pretty big desert in between
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
That’s why it never worked for me. I assumed CE was Clear Everything.
- Comment on Do you have what it takes to become a geologist? 4 months ago:
I concur
- Comment on Explains a lot... 4 months ago:
We all are… Well, unless you happen to be a starfish
- Comment on Soup 5 months ago:
That same enlightenment moment came to me as well long ago as an Intro Geology student
- Comment on Personally I prefer NASA's pronunciation, which is "charon". 5 months ago:
Named for a dude’s wife, Charlene, and shorthorns into an appropriate mythological figure
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 needs 64GB of RAM for ideal performance — oddly, the game install size is only 30GB 5 months ago:
I know. That statement was weird. In just a few lines of code I can chew up all available ram on a machine.
- Comment on Launches 5 months ago:
Don’t worry, we all will. We all came from a sun, and will all return to one.
- Comment on Curse of Knowledge 5 months ago:
Try being a geoscientist… So, so many blurry photos of rocks folks’ kids find in the backyard
- Comment on A third of the world’s population lacks internet connectivity − airborne communications stations could change that 5 months ago:
Just an example, but I’ve worked in central Africa and was recently at a very rural hospital where there was no running water and no electricity (other than local solar), and while there they received an airborne blood delivery via drone from a facility about 100 miles and about 4 hour drive time away. This was extremely helpful and managed through Internet communication.
- Comment on A third of the world’s population lacks internet connectivity − airborne communications stations could change that 5 months ago:
Democratization of communication resources substantially helps other facets. I hate this sort of knee jerk whataboutism. Aid can and should be multifaceted.
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss echoes NVIDIA CEO on coding being dead in the water: "If you go forward 24 months from now, it's possible that most developers are not coding" 6 months ago:
This is the year of the Linux Desktop
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss echoes NVIDIA CEO on coding being dead in the water: "If you go forward 24 months from now, it's possible that most developers are not coding" 6 months ago:
I’m sure they’ll hold strong to that prediction in 24 mo. It’s just 24 more months away
- Comment on How did we switched from "Dinosaur are giant lizards" to "Dinosaur are giant birds" 8 months ago:
*over 100s of Millions, but what’s an extra zero amongst Internet friends
- Comment on How did we switched from "Dinosaur are giant lizards" to "Dinosaur are giant birds" 8 months ago:
It’s both!
Jurassic: Giant Lizards --> Cretaceous: Giant Birds
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
JF won’t boost volume past 100% like VLC.
For when you need to take it to 11
- Comment on Jinkies 8 months ago:
If they define a function that’s fair. I’m of the firm belief that data are points and models/functions are lines.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 9 months ago:
I agree with you 98%. My only gripe is that nobody don’t like ravioli.
- Comment on Does color change how hot a laser can get something? 9 months ago:
So where do you stand on infrared lasers? Light is already a junk term for the EM spectrum that we can see, otherwise holding no specific importance.
- Comment on Megafauna 9 months ago:
Seems like an eagle to me. At least in North America, Bald eagles can be considerably larger than vultures. Oh and baldies are also carrion eaters.
- Comment on I mean have they seen our stipends 9 months ago:
I hope no school is sound that badly these days
- Comment on Physics 10 months ago:
Being able to work with useful approximations is an important and liberating skill for many tasks.
- Comment on Theoretical Physics 10 months ago:
I always use the example of driving around town. The fastest route is usually not the surface roads linking A to B along the shortest line, but a route that includes a highway with a faster route. Longer drive length, but shorter overall duration.
- Comment on Comedy Funeral 10 months ago:
while breathing:
- Comment on figs 1 & 2 10 months ago:
Oleg McNoleg?
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
There’s a second more obvious component that people neglect in any statement like OPs.
These companies exist because people buy their products. We can blame companies, but fossil fuel use is a collective problem.
- Comment on MKBHD - Do Bad Reviews Kill Companies? 10 months ago:
Comcast is a great example.
- Comment on The Google One VPN service is heading to the Google graveyard - The Verge 10 months ago:
Not sure… Still saved me a spammy click
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
That guy publishes a LOT.