In order to open a line of credit (credit card or loan), the lender will pull your credit record to determine your creditworthiness. The "big three" credit record companies being referenced are Transunion, Equifax, and Experian. Based on your credit "score" with one or more of those reporting agencies, the lender will approve or decline your request to borrow, and determine the interest rate they'll charge you.
"Locking your credit" means telling those reporting agencies, "Hey, don't let anyone pull my credit." Why would you want to do that? Because of identity theft. If someone gets enough information about you, they can borrow money using your identity, and never pay it back. This situation is a fucking nightmare.
By locking your credit, you gain a huge amount of control over anyone - including yourself - from borrowing from a lender. Each credit reporting agency offers this option, at no charge, and the lock can be temporarily or permanently lifted by you (login, 2FA, sometimes you can even specify a specific lender who is allowed to pull your credit while continuing to forbid anyone else).
It is highly recommended to lock your credit. Frankly, it should be locked by default. In September of 2017, Equifax announced a data breach that exposed the personal information of 147 million people. That's essentially everyone in America who can take out a loan.
OP's post indicates that there are at least two lesser-known reporting agencies that you should look into to secure your credit reports. 6 months ago
Your credit, which is a fancy name for the profile that financial companies build on you to determine whether you are able to pay back loans. When you apply for a credit card, get a loan, rent an apartment, or buy a car, the seller will look at your credit to determine whether you are a risk of not paying and will use this info to set interest rates and payment plans.
Locking your credit means preventing these financial institutions from releasing your financial information to people who request it. This will prevent malicious actors from opening lines of credit in your name, but it will also prevent you from doing so as well.
Unfortunately in the US we can’t tell a single entity that we do not want this information released. We need to inform multiple entities not to release this info since they are all independent. 6 months ago
Oh. Man imagine if they had not privatized such basic public services… 6 months ago
I don’t even know of another country that has such a system of any kind.