- Comment on would getting back with an ex be a bad idea? 9 hours ago:
People can change, but don’t put your life on hold waiting for that to happen. I can’t say for sure what kind of person this is since I’ve never met the guy, but I can tell you that you will be waiting a long time if he is behaving how you described. Communication is incredibly important as a foundation for a relationship, and ghosting indicates they won’t be able to discuss things with you when things get really bad. This is a skill that is learned young and it is harder to learn it with age.
Let that flame die out and only let it be reignited if the person makes real effort to really talk to you.
- Comment on First Monster Hunter Wilds updates fix a progress-blocking bug, but not the dodgy PC performance 5 days ago:
I feel like this article is rage bait that doesn’t really understand software development. In software development, issues that completely block progress or functionality are significantly more important than system performance.
Even if we disregard that fixing performance is a massive undertaking, fixing the blocker first was absolutely the right move.
- Comment on Can't even argue now 2 weeks ago:
Iirc the egg actually can reject certain sperm, so in that sense it does have a choice.
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 3 weeks ago:
Which is why nobody cares about GOP opinions and why most of the world thinks you are retarded. Like it or not, you live with people different from you, and you need to learn to play nice and compromise. I’m not saying to give up your morals completely, but meet in the middle and come up with something that works for both of you.
- Comment on Why the 2020 video game Immortals: Fenyx Rising doesn't infringe on the trademark of the 2011 film Immortals? 4 weeks ago:
Trademark generally only applies within the same medium. The point is to prevent confusion between two competing products. A movie and a video game do not overlap.
- Comment on Concerns Raised Over Bitwarden Moving Further Away From Open-Source 4 months ago:
It means we have less insight on what they are doing with our passwords.
- Comment on Top 10 Anime of the Season - Summer 2024 (Anime Corner) 5 months ago:
I only watched the first 3 episodes, but it handled things pretty well up to that point. The characters were mature which was quite appealing. I only dropped it because I have limited time and need to choose what I watch.
- Comment on Risk Of Rain 2 slaps a patch on the bug-ridden DLC that accidentally made the final boss invincible 5 months ago:
The title makes it sound like the patch was what caused the boss to be invincible.
- Comment on Blue Protocol to be discontinued in Japan, will no longer release in the west. 6 months ago:
Damn. Had this one on my wishlist.
- Comment on What is the better game...The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Final Fantasy VII? 6 months ago:
I would switch mechanics and atmosphere myself, but I agree overall that it is 2-2. Both are good for different reasons and they weirdly do not overlap on any of them with the exception of music which both were only slightly above average. With that said the OoT soundtrack is much more memorable. There is only a single FF7 track that I actually remember well.
- Comment on When Harris had to pick a VP, all media kinda agreed it should be a white male, to balance the fact that she is black and a woman. So Waltz is the DEI hire. 6 months ago:
This. I don’t understand why people think diversity is a bad thing. True democracy and progress comes when everyone is well represented and everyone’s opinions are heard.
With that said we have a lot of institutional barriers that need to be utterly demolished before the people will actually be heard. We have a long way to go, and the first step is to participate in your local elections and vote for the people who actually listen.
- Comment on YSK there are more than 3 US credit bureaus 6 months ago:
Your credit, which is a fancy name for the profile that financial companies build on you to determine whether you are able to pay back loans. When you apply for a credit card, get a loan, rent an apartment, or buy a car, the seller will look at your credit to determine whether you are a risk of not paying and will use this info to set interest rates and payment plans.
Locking your credit means preventing these financial institutions from releasing your financial information to people who request it. This will prevent malicious actors from opening lines of credit in your name, but it will also prevent you from doing so as well.
Unfortunately in the US we can’t tell a single entity that we do not want this information released. We need to inform multiple entities not to release this info since they are all independent.
- Comment on Hyundai and Kia car thefts fall sharply after software upgrade, study finds 6 months ago:
I have never had a phone that has successfully unlocked the first time using biometrics. I wouldn’t say it is a solved problem or a solution. There are also implications with law enforcement when using biometrics. They can’t force you to unlock something with a password, but they can forcefully unlock something with your fingerprint.
- Comment on Grassy green JRPG Visions Of Mana gets free demo a month ahead of release 7 months ago:
Glad to hear this. It tells me they have confidence in the product.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
One of my friends is looking for a job and he never gets feedback when he is rejected. It never occurred to me it could be because the legal team had a stick up their asses.
- Comment on Windows 98 Disk Defrag Simulator 7 months ago:
As a kid I would sit there and watch the defrag window. To this day there is something really satisfying about watching colors arrange themselves.
- Comment on How a North Korean Fake IT Worker Tried to Infiltrate Security Awareness Firm KnowBe4 7 months ago:
They treat you like a child with no self respect. They are awful.
- Comment on Anime music piracy website closes after industry goes to court 7 months ago:
It’s their right and all, but I don’t want to hear how their international sales have dropped and how profits are down.
- Comment on I pinky promise I'm not a demon that was summoned during an unfortunate ritual 7 months ago:
The non joke answer is that the document attempts to prove who you say you are. The joke answer is that this is an attempt and is public info that anyone can use.
- Comment on sure you can have latkes :) 7 months ago:
Delicious and some of the most tedious foods to make.
The secret ingredient is chicken fat.
- Comment on Demon Lord, Retry! R Key Visual 8 months ago:
The first season had an all-star VA cast, but it was like they were told to give their worst performances. It was full of animation errors as well. It just felt really sloppy overall.
- Comment on gotdamn 8 months ago:
You know what else kills a human? Forcing them to give birth even if they are not healthy enough to do so.
If you are going to make talking points at least be cohesive.
- Comment on "Outrageously" priced weight-loss drugs could bankrupt US health care 9 months ago:
Read the article. This is not a US product.
I agree with you though.
- Comment on Prison Architect 2 transitioning game to a different studio 9 months ago:
The first game is still loaded with bugs to this day. I had no faith in a second game, and this news does it no favors.
- Comment on Manor Lords is off to a flying start on Steam, just hours after its early access release 10 months ago:
Banished is a low bar. It had a lot of issues. I would argue the recently released Farthest Frontier is a better comparison. It also has some flaws but is leaps and bounds better than Banished.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I may be misunderstanding how it all works, but the venues choose the ticket service, not the artists.
- Comment on How does the day-to-day work of not wearing shoes in the house? 10 months ago:
These are the same assholes who sound like a jackhammer when they walk in apartments.
- Comment on Microsoft is blocking Windows Customization Tools 11 months ago:
Do NOT blame the devs for this. They are not the ones to decide the direction of the product or the priority of the tickets they work. Blame upper management for making these poor decisions and the product managers for being spineless and not pushing back.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
One of these is linking/forwarding from a Gmail account. I have yet to figure out how to not have to do this.
- Comment on Funimation Anime Streaming Service Is Shutting Down And Crunchyroll Is Raising Its Prices 1 year ago:
Closing the Funimation service is totally understandable and I would make the same business decision. There is no point in owning two different services that do the same thing. That price hike though. That is BRUTAL. The catalog isn’t nearly large enough and the quality of the streaming service and subtitles aren’t remotely good enough to warrant that price.