- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 9 comments
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 52 comments
- Comment on penetration tests 6 months ago:
You're goddamned right.
- Comment on ecologists be like 6 months ago:
Hitting people isn't funny.
Edit: I guess about half of you think that hitting people is funny.
- Comment on ochem periodic table 6 months ago:
Hydrogen is "Carbon's Little Buddy."
Helium is "The Sun"
- Comment on penetration tests 6 months ago:
- Comment on On Bears 6 months ago:
- Comment on YSK there are more than 3 US credit bureaus 6 months ago:
In order to open a line of credit (credit card or loan), the lender will pull your credit record to determine your creditworthiness. The "big three" credit record companies being referenced are Transunion, Equifax, and Experian. Based on your credit "score" with one or more of those reporting agencies, the lender will approve or decline your request to borrow, and determine the interest rate they'll charge you.
"Locking your credit" means telling those reporting agencies, "Hey, don't let anyone pull my credit." Why would you want to do that? Because of identity theft. If someone gets enough information about you, they can borrow money using your identity, and never pay it back. This situation is a fucking nightmare.
By locking your credit, you gain a huge amount of control over anyone - including yourself - from borrowing from a lender. Each credit reporting agency offers this option, at no charge, and the lock can be temporarily or permanently lifted by you (login, 2FA, sometimes you can even specify a specific lender who is allowed to pull your credit while continuing to forbid anyone else).
It is highly recommended to lock your credit. Frankly, it should be locked by default. In September of 2017, Equifax announced a data breach that exposed the personal information of 147 million people. That's essentially everyone in America who can take out a loan.
OP's post indicates that there are at least two lesser-known reporting agencies that you should look into to secure your credit reports.
- Comment on On Bears 6 months ago:
If it's black, panic. If it's brown, panic. If it's white, panic.
Always panic.
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
Because I don’t trust some internet rando’s bot to have my best interests in mind.
- Comment on Elon Musk's X sues advertisers over alleged 'massive advertiser boycott' after Twitter takeover 6 months ago:
The Belgium-based World Federation of Advertisers and representatives for CVS, Orsted, Mars and Unilever didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment Tuesday.
Good luck trying to sue a foreign organization for refusing to do business with your US-based company.
- Comment on Elon Musk says Tesla is an AI company now. Here’s how plausible that is. 6 months ago:
There are no AI companies until anyone can demonstrate actual intelligence. LLMs are not intelligent. Self-driving car systems are not intelligent. Machine learning is not intelligence.
- Comment on Trump’s ‘no choice’ comment on EVs reveal partisan divide over green tech 6 months ago:
It's a touch more complicated than that, because China doesn't let their currency float, which makes Chinese products much cheaper in foreign markets, and foreign products more expensive in China, when the Chinese government allows them in.
- Comment on Geography 101 6 months ago:
Under da que?
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance and can't afford dental care? 6 months ago:
Floss picks, with a little piece of floss held in a plastic "harp" are so much easier than a spool of loose floss.
I am also told that flossing, while it does remove gunk and food bits, introduces oxygen, which serves to fight off anaerobic bacteria.
- Comment on Why doesn't the American market provide efficient and effective health insurance like it does for car insurance? 7 months ago:
- Comment on I wonder how many US babies have been named Donald in the last few years and may live to regret it. 7 months ago:
All of them.
- Comment on AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data - Nature 7 months ago:
Large Lunch Models
- Comment on AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data - Nature 7 months ago:
Moar jpg?
- Comment on Tesla’s profits sank sharply in the second quarter of 2024 | The company’s revenue increased by 2 percent compared to last year, but profits are down 45 percent year over year 7 months ago:
Are they still in the black? Yes? Then they have been ripping everyone off.
- Comment on YSK that the recommended daily fiber intake is 25g for women and 38g for men in the USA. 95% of the country does not meet this amount. 7 months ago:
You should also know that there's soluble and insoluble fiber. Both are important, but what people are more likely to lack is insoluble fiber.
- Comment on The FBI got into the Trump rally shooter’s phone in just 40 minutes 7 months ago:
Well, they did have all his fingers readily available.
- Comment on Your new neighbor, a genie, opens 'Temptation Mart' next door. Food, alcohol, substances, carnal pleasures, gambling - all complimentary, 24/7. How does this affect your daily life? 7 months ago:
I can see that being a net positive. It makes it so that different classes of people have to interact with each other.
- Comment on What do you guys think goes great with the Atari 2600? 7 months ago:
Magnavox Odyssey
- Comment on Your new neighbor, a genie, opens 'Temptation Mart' next door. Food, alcohol, substances, carnal pleasures, gambling - all complimentary, 24/7. How does this affect your daily life? 7 months ago:
I've been to Dallas, and I've been to San Antonio, but I have not been to Houston.
- Comment on Your new neighbor, a genie, opens 'Temptation Mart' next door. Food, alcohol, substances, carnal pleasures, gambling - all complimentary, 24/7. How does this affect your daily life? 7 months ago:
This is why we have zoning laws, folks.
- Comment on What's the appeal of family life vlogs/ YT channels? 7 months ago:
I watch a lot of car revival channels, and my favorite is Sleeperdude, because it’s the whole family working together to do it, and that’s definitely a big part of the charm of the show.
Also Josh is really good at what he does.
- Comment on Is 0.3 quarts extra too mich oil in a car? 7 months ago:
I wouldn't worry about it. Even on brand new cars, there are plenty where losing (burning) a quart of oil between changes is "within specifications." The engine is likely going to burn a little bit of oil just because, and you'll be lower again soon enough.
- Comment on Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society 7 months ago:
I don't think it matters whether the exchange of value involves currency or not.
There are things that most people find to be unethical to "sell" (exchange for value in a transaction). Those include actual human beings (slavery), military or political influence (bribery), and murder.
I believe that sex work in often included in that list because of a lengthy deep history of protection of "bloodlines." Of course, there has always been sex work, but those who offered such services - especially women - were by definition unconcerned about their own "bloodline," which must then mean that their "bloodline" was not worth protecting. That meant that providers of sex work were necessarily "lower" people.
Today, and especially in the global West, the notion of "bloodlines" is more associated with bigotry than high status. That's why we're calling it "sex work" now instead of "prostitution," for example - and sex work is more socially acceptable now, even if it's not super high on that scale. Because that cultural thing about "bloodlines" is well-entrenched and runs very deep.
- Comment on is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital? 8 months ago:
That you know of.