The video details how all of Halo 2’s assets were made with stencil shadows in mind after the bungie devs saw it in Doom 3. However, the OG Xbox ended up not having the processing power to do those critical, deep shadows, so they returned to the flat lighting of the first Halo, which resulted in a much less stylized game. The video creator shows how the game was meant to be experienced by showing all of the different character models in one of the few places in the game that retained a small section of dynamic stencil shadows, which really drives his point home of how much better it would’ve looked overall.
Comment on Why does Halo 2 look worse than Halo 1? The shadows. Or well, the *lack* of them. 7 months ago
Halo 1, 2, and 3 all looked fine. Halo 4 and up all look like shit, cuz 343 made them shit. 7 months ago 7 months ago
That could be the case and it can still look better than Halo 1. 7 months ago
I actually remember being impressed with Halo 4’s graphics. The campaign looked good anyway. 7 months ago
Halo 4 only looks good if the only thing you care about is how quickly your GPU can fry an egg. The art style is ugly, none of the levels are lit in a way that makes any sense, and the new designs look dumb.
There is nothing good about Halo 4, including the graphics. 7 months ago
Halo 4 had great graphics to run on a damn Xbox 360. But yeah, they lost in the design department, imo I felt too much felt like plastic/artificial instead. 7 months ago
A lot of over-designed armour and equipment, too. Especially in multiplayer. 7 months ago
Agreed. High res is not the same thing as good graphics. The Halo 1 remaster is another great example of that; the og graphics look SO much better 7 months ago
Environment and character work was generally great in 4, but just look at that Phantom ‘explodes’ in the very first mission… It’s remarkable how weak some of the presentation in the game was. While 4 did have some talented people working on the franchise still, it was obvious by then that 343 no longer cared and QA was absent. Also way way too much lens flare