- Comment on how can i self host my music? 4 months ago:
Skimmed comments, but if you download and manage your music on your own on a machine you can have a super simple setup like I do. All music is synced using Syncthing to my phone. So my phone gets local storage, and then I use Poweramp (android) to play it.
I pretty much have a folder for all the music though. But I assume you can sort music into folders to have them as playlists. But perhaps not as practical as desired.
- Comment on When was announced, a few people were concerned about the .zip, as it could create security issues. Has it been the case so far? Has anyone ever been blocked by a work firewall due to .zip? 5 months ago:
They are just more likely to be scam like, particularly since they can be assumed to be a file at a glance.
Even more deviously, crafty urls like this further hides what you are actually doing, like this:∕kubernetes∕kubernetes∕archive∕refs∕tag…
Hover it with your cursor, watch what that actually links too, no markup cheating involved. Anything before the @ is just user information. Imagine clicking that and thinking you downlodaed a tagged build, only to get a malware?
It’s not the end of the world, but as a developer it makes great sense to just auto-block it to avoid an incident. The above URL is from this article, which says it’s not as big of huge problem too:…/google_zip_mov_domains/
But it’s kind of a death by a thousand cuts to me, because it’s another thing with another set of consideration accross the internet ecosystem that one will have to deal with.
- Comment on When was announced, a few people were concerned about the .zip, as it could create security issues. Has it been the case so far? Has anyone ever been blocked by a work firewall due to .zip? 5 months ago:
I know my job banned .zip domains as soon as they leared of it. It’s an IT firm so they don’t really care to take any chances, and would rather just make exceptions if needed.
- Comment on Why does Halo 2 look worse than Halo 1? The shadows. Or well, the *lack* of them. 7 months ago:
Halo 4 had great graphics to run on a damn Xbox 360. But yeah, they lost in the design department, imo I felt too much felt like plastic/artificial instead.
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
Didn’t want to install something to move stuff of my laptop yesterday. Took a USB which has both a boot partition and a data partition, which worked on my W10 computer and moved it to the W11 laptop and it wouldn’t recognize it…
Long story short, I had to manual set the partition id for the data part using diskpart for the data partition to be recognized. But that was a lot more effort than expected to move a few files over.
- Comment on The Crowdstrike whoops would've been so much worse in 2020 7 months ago:
Everyowkring from home and access to on-site locations are limited, imagine the chaos of everyone at their office having to travel to IT to fix their mistakes, or IT traveling to locations with problems while trying to maintain isolation rules.
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
So you say, but it does make me flinch when it suddenly hits.
- Comment on What if an SQL Statement Returned a Database? 1 year ago:
I do think the idea is pretty neat, although it’s pretty close to returning structured data like json.
But I do get a bit of feeling they are trying to solve a trivial problem, at least in their use case. Ultimately there are only so many lecturers, and so many man lectures at a given time. The total data amount wouldn’t be so much, and you can easily group by and sort on client side to achieve the original table which is show on a per lecturer basis. A little redundancy is in my opinion preferred over a query that returns 3 tables that then needs additional complicated work. I also find arguments about overlapping names to not be something the database should be handling, it falls on the data owners/manager instead. Academia is a wild west at times, but either this table is presentation only or a link to lecturer or lecture. And in the latter case, you’ll already throw in the ids so they can be used in an URL to some other site.
While this can have significant less bandwidth, it also risks falling as soon as more data is introduced, as you’re putting the large join operations on the client when you can get free optimizations from the SQL engine you use. I know not having duplicate data could be a thing for something where I work, where essentially we have hourly breakdowns but fetch at least the entire day for a single set of parameters. So that means 24x data for a surprisingly high amount of columns. When we only need 2 of them on the hourly level! But in this case, the data doesn’t strictly need many joins as it has a lot of the information itself, along with there being too much data to join on the client side anyways for this to feel ideal. I feel you’ll increase the complexity a bit too much as well. A big advantage of sql is how easy it is to understand what you are getting.
Its somewhat of a solved problem, if the performance becomes a problem, since we can return nested data anyways. So we can already today technically return a row where the hour and value columns have arrays. We just haven’t done it because it is not a big enough problem.
- Comment on What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk? 1 year ago:
Completely agree with that, we have the same issue in C# where I work. Just waiting for the day I get to push and update to our shared code style (editorconfig) to force that.
- Comment on What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk? 1 year ago:
I don’t disagree that this is hard to read, but I feel it’s worth mentioning python has a pretty acceptable style guide. The problem is, it’s far less common in python to bundle parameters into some holding object. So here you have massive function that has to accept a lot all at once. In use it’s probably not as bad looking however.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I think the key fault lies in that most companies are publicly traded stock companies.
It challenges what corporations are at the heart. A company owned through stocks is controlled by those stock holders, and exist to make the stock holders money. It’s expected for the stock to be worth it by growing, not paying out dividends. (but that is also another layer)
But that’s not why a company should exist, it should turn a profit but ultimately it’s about being a source of income to its workers. But stocks go against that, since stocks seek to extract money to the non-working owners. Well paid workers is rather contrary to the goal of the stock owners, as long as you can keep going.
The advantage of stock companies were getting investment to start and grow, but it forever shackles the company bar some rich maniac buys the whole thing for his own crazed ideas.
Private companies aren’t guaranteed to be good either, but if they are set up right they at least aren’t just a funnel of meny for the people at the top.
Its because so much money can be gotten out of the perpetual invest, grow, squeeze and sell that things are as they are today. You’re not a worthy company if you just increase your cash flow in line with inflation.
The need to grow also comes back as enshitification, planned obsolescence (or just made as cheap as possible), high focus on consumable products or subscriptions to ensure a steady flow of income. Making a product lasting for life? One and done, you’ll grow until the market is saturated and then collapse because the cash flow simply won’t be there.
Its especially noticeable when the economy takes a hit, all things go from being good investment objects to being something that needs to turn profit. So all the future profit is dropped, tons of layoffs, and rapidly increasing subscription costs. All to counter the reduced demand. Take streaming, the market fragmented, interest rates spiked so holding debt is bad, consumers have less money to spend easily. So the big ones take steps, more ads, crack down on sharing, layoffs, reduced selection and cancelation of various shows and projects. And then stock holders can be happy they once again have a good year and good growth of profit despite turbulent times.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Brushing off safety in a single small paragraph sure makes me feel like its not trying to make a serious argument. Sure a handyman likes the simplicity and freedom, but considering this:
In 2019, a Microsoft security engineer reported that 70% of all security vulnerabilities were caused by memory safety issues.[7]
From Wikipedia, it’s pretty clear memory security is a pretty substantial topic in the programming world. Brushing that off because you do not care makes for a bad argument.
- Comment on Well, it looks like verification photos might be useless now. 1 year ago:
I remember it being used at the “roast me” sub so the person verified they were actually the person in the image asking to be roasted.
- Comment on Scientists successfully replicate historic nuclear fusion breakthrough three times 1 year ago:
Well. Assuming the cost of splitting water is lower than the energy produced from the same amount of hydrogen.
- Comment on Discord users are cancelling their Nitro after new mobile layout update 1 year ago:
Been a while since I used the new thing, immediately hated it. All on mobile.
First of a, the bottom scroll thing on my phone to select a server or whatever it was just ain’t it. I didn’t use it much, but it seemed extremely annoying to move between dm and servers, especially if they weren’t the top ones. You can get lists and such by swiping.
Second was that server channels turned into a huge mess. Showing the last message makes absolutely no sense on any server I use. Especially on bigger game server like destiny group finding one’s already long lists turned into miles long lists. Absolutely unusable. I need things compact and clean personally, having the channels big and wide wastes so much space, and again long lists.
Being in a server hides any notifications and dms too.
Everything that was close at hand before is now far away. And that sucks for me.
- Comment on Norwegian union join Sweden and Denmark in strike against Tesla 1 year ago:
It’s fairly common, you’ll see plenty of Tesla in Norway at least.
I could have ended up with Tesla if I could earn a car before Elon ruined his public persona. Now I’m definitely not getting one. But I do think anyone will get much negative feedback. I’d probably advice them to avoid one, but they are still better then it comes to software, most cars are shit at that.
I do hope a potential strike helps change their image more though.
- Comment on Heat pumps can't take the cold? Nordics debunk the myth 1 year ago:
It gets less effective, down to running at 100% and not moving heat. Heat pumps work by expanding a gas, which cools it. Since it’s cold, the “heat” outside was the gas. Then the gas is taken inside and compressed, the gas heats up from the compression (since all the energy is squeezed into a smaller space, effectively speaking). Now that heat can be transferred to the colder air inside. So long as the expanded gas turns colder than the outside, it can absorb heat.
From a Google, common ones can go as low as - 25C, which means they are able to cool a gas to lower temps than that when expanded. There is still heat to get, even in -25C.
- Comment on What got you into coding ? (aside from money) 1 year ago:
I saw these magic windows on my computer, and I too wanted the godlike power to control how they worked and what the buttons did. I looked into Python, then started University and they also taught us Python for science use. With exception of a C++ class I self learned and used it, then managed to convince a company to hire me, despite being a chemical engineer.
My first program was a GUI wrapper for YouTube-dl, and I still use it frequently.
- Comment on Is there something better than SQL? 1 year ago:
I’m not too much of a fan of the SQL equivalent of SELECT not being at the top. Granted I’m fairly sure there are some arguments for it, since select is optional there’s a higher mental load trying to figure out what is actually being returned imo. At least from looking at for the first time.
On the other hand, i’d kill for f-strings, the top N in group (which is nigh unreadable in SQL), and null handling that doesn’t require me to write either COALSECE or NVL too often. The joins were a little less pretty though, I’m quite fond of normal SQL joins since they are very reasonable unless chained beyond the line count your screen can show.
- Comment on Smartphone sales down 22 percent in Q2, the worst performance in a decade 1 year ago:
On the 7 Pro, stuck on the oneplus navigation gestures, pop up front facing cam. Fully working phone, still no other phone to replace it when it comes to having a screen without a bump.
- Comment on This should be illegal 1 year ago:
This is also the reason I’m all open source. Not just games, but seeing someone abandon a program hurts. Or just wanting to make a change on your own to suit your needs. I don’t have any big fancy programs, but I at least put my code openly on for that reason. Both my “big” ones are just me using another program and realizing I could make something that worked better for me. At like 100x the time investment, but programming is fun.
- Comment on data secured 1 year ago:
It’s fun with screenshots, you save it and realize, you didn’t check what path it saved to because you (read: me) always puts downloads in the Downloads folder by default. It’s the last place you saved an image, shouldn’t be too hard? Just gotta find an IMG_something either in user photos or documents usually. And then fail to do so, and do a walk of shame back and try save again just to see where it actually ended up…
I do love Everything though, it’s amazing and I constantly use it for looking for things. I know names at least partially, and that does it 99% of the time. Sorting by Path also makes it very easy to navigate when you get a lot of hits. Just a pro-tip to those yet to learn of that power.
- Comment on data secured 1 year ago:
How about clicking a document link, and they fucking put Word as a tab inside Teams, just so Teams can be even more bloated and make viewing documents a pain. Teams have come a long way from when I started my job, now it’s not a dysfunctional mess, but things like that still annoy me.
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
Getting out quicker is always good.
But the main reason, there isn’t much traffic where you are backing in. But backing out sure as hell will have both passing cars and people assume you see them perfectly well. I also have no depth perception so the ass of my car is like a big unknown. So backing into a spot is easy because I can just use the side mirror to line up my position relative to there cars. Only issue is how far back I can go. Now I got a camera back there, and everything is much easier.