The reality is that the ship for that kind of privacy has shipped a long time ago. Like a hundred years ago. The reality is that the authorities know details about every single person that passes through an airport. You can’t get in or out without a passport/identification.
There is virtually no expectation to privacy at an airport. It’s a public place that is heavily monitored for good reason. And that fact isn’t hidden in the slightest. You are legally required to freely and honestly identify yourself to the authorities.
If this was at your local bus stop, then you’d have a point. But not at airports.
Also, the serious discussion about privacy should have started with the introduction of the smartphone. That’s when the conversation would have mattered and made a difference. But that ship has sailed. 7 months ago
You’re never going to live in a world where you’re allowed to fly without photo id amigo. 7 months ago
That’s not what the other user is saying - we have to fight to keep what rights we have, and maybe one day gain some of the ones we lost 7 months ago
Their message is correct but they’re mad at that “calm down” part and addressed it poorly
User 1: if you fly using a passport, the government knows what you look like, whether or not you opt out of facial recognition, being a Karen at the airport won’t help with you
User 2: Fuck that, if we are complacent, more privacy will be taken away from us
User 3: You can’t fly without a photo id
Seems to me the user you responded to knows what they are saying, and you’re both right. You don’t have a right to fly on an airplane without a legal verification of who you are. We should have a right to verify our identity without facial recognition software. But that happens with laws, not making scenes at airports 7 months ago
Honestly, we should have a right to fly w/o providing ID as well. I don’t need it to ride the bus or local train, and I don’t think I need it for a greyhound bus (if I pay w/ cash). I’ve heard you can maybe get away w/o ID on Amtrak, but their official policy says it’s required.
So why are airplanes so different? Fatalities per mile on airplanes are among the lowest of any form of transportation, so I highly doubt terrorism is a significant, statistically relevant factor here. I think they do it because they can, not because it actually helps reduce risk in any meaningful way. I don’t see any basis for needing an ID for any form of mass transit, you should only need it for driving to prove that you have the privilege to do so.
I really don’t understand why law enforcement is so infatuated with checking my ID… 7 months ago
Move to a different country.
Eg in Australia I can book a domestic ticket and have two interactions after that:
No photo ID - or any ID really - needed. Now there’s enough dribs and drabs of information when I book the ticket and etc etc that they can identify me, but there’s nothing stopping someone from booking a ticket for someone else under their name. 7 months ago
Wait are you really arguing Australia as a privacy and security IMPROVEMENT on three rest of western countries? 7 months ago
It sounds like it is an improvement for domestic flights. I don’t see anything that invalidates that argument… 7 months ago
I don’t know but have you ever taken a domestic flight? Or even a Schengen one? Open border policy woks wonders for data security and also quality of life in general 7 months ago
Yes, but Cinnabon doesn’t need to scan my face while I’m there. Every little bit helps. 7 months ago
That’s a strawman, who said otherwise? Showing ID is one thing, storing your ID and tracking your trips is another. 7 months ago
You really don’t think your trip can’t be tracked? 7 months ago
Is that what I said? No. Of course it can be and is tracked. But I’m not going to Hand over my biometrics and make it easier for them.