- Comment on Audiologists raise concern over headphone use in young people 2 weeks ago:
kidspeople getting ADHD because they didn’t sleep well? Or is poor sleep hygiene an early indicator of ADHD?The research shows that poor sleep hygiene can be a trigger for ADHD related symptoms. Poor sleep hygiene is not the same as “didn’t sleep well”. Poor sleep hygiene is not going to bed at an appropriate time, going to bed at wildly different times each night, blue light exposure within 2 hours of bedtime, etc.
The ages of 0 - 4 years are the most crucial for brain development. It’s why newborns sleep several times a day. The brain hasn’t finished forming by the time they are born. Even at the age of 3, kids are still napping mid-day. And those naps are extremely critical for healthy brain development.
So without good sleep hygiene, it can stunt brain development in a way that results in ADHD, or ADHD like symptoms.
Lots of people with ADHD have poor sleep hygiene, even as adults. Many will struggle with things like Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, because they get their biggest bursts of focus late at night when everyone else is asleep, the brain is releasing dopamine to keep them awake, and distractions are limited.
I have ADHD and DSPS. The reason people with DSPS feel awake at night is due to an issue with melatonin production. The brain doesn’t release melatonin normally (or at all) so the natural “feeling sleepy” sending never comes. I take prescription tryptophan and one never slept better in my life. My “natural” sleep time in 2/3am and waking up is 10/11am. But with tryptophan I can have a “normal” sleep schedule.
And that’s another interesting thing. Kids diagnosed with ADHD can see improved outcomes when they are given tryptophan to help regulate sleep.
Btw, if you’re wondering. Tryptophan is an amino acid, and you can get it in pills that have comically measured doses. Why not just take melatonin? Well tryptophan metabolizes into melatonin and serotonin. It’s a guaranteed way to get melatonin.
Off the shelf melatonin pills aren’t regulated with dosages the same way. In fact, a pill in a 10mg melatonin bottle might only have 1mg of melatonin or even 15mg. They aren’t reliable, and the other issue is that melatonin tends to not be bioavailable enough to work reliably. Tryptophan is very bioavailable. It’s the stuff in turkey that makes people sleepy after eating it.
- Comment on Audiologists raise concern over headphone use in young people 2 weeks ago:
Like the rise in ADHD and Autism diagnosis… There isn’t more cases, just diagnosis got better or more available.
It’s both.
We’re finding that even things like microplastics are causing changes that’s not fully understood. There’s even a recent study that links an increase in histamine to worsened ADHD symptoms.
And then there are things like poor sleep hygiene when very young can trigger a development of ADHD later on.
- Comment on New Junior Developers Can’t Actually Code. 2 weeks ago:
I’ve been using (mostly) Claude to help me write an application in a language I’m not experienced with (Rust). Mostly with helping me see what I did wrong with syntax or with the borrow checker. Coming from Java, Python, and C/C++, it’s very easy to mismanage memory the exact way Rust requires it.
That being said, any new code that generates for me I end up having to fix 9 times out of 10. So in a weird way I’ve been learning more about Rust from having to correct code that’s been generated by an LLM.
I still think LLMs for the next while will be mostly useful as a hyper-spell checker for code, and not for generating new code. I often find that I would have saved time if I just tackled the problem myself and not tried to reply on an LLM. Although sometimes an LLM can give me an idea on how to solve a problem.
- Comment on Tech's Dumbest Mistake: Why Firing Programmers for AI Will Destroy Everything 3 weeks ago:
There’s also the tribal knowledge of people who’ve worked somewhere for a few years. There’s always a few people who just know where or how a particular thing works and why it works that way. AI simply cannot replace that.
- Comment on Tech's Dumbest Mistake: Why Firing Programmers for AI Will Destroy Everything 3 weeks ago:
I find it’s the most useful when asking it for small snippets of code or dealing with boilerplate stuff. Anything more complicated usually results in something broken.
- Comment on Meta’s AI Profiles Are Already Polluting Instagram and Facebook With Slop 2 months ago:
A new odd language will develop that us meatbags won’t understand.
- Comment on FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules Struck Down by Federal Appeals Court 2 months ago:
You might be interested in an episode of Linux Unplugged from a few months ago that goes into Meshtastic quite nicely.
There’s also this link with a ton of resources for Meshtastic:
- Comment on FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules Struck Down by Federal Appeals Court 2 months ago:
You want Meshtastic
- Comment on YouTube tests removing viewer counts — here’s what we know 4 months ago:
That’s why you need to pay for premium so you can get the 1080p premium bitrate.
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months ago:
I have my money on Tesla being the first cloud-connected car (that phrase shouldn’t exist) to be hacked and push a malicious firmware that will cause all cars to simultaneously activate self driving and to pull a hard left at a specific time (time bomb).
- Comment on 28 Years Later: Danny Boyle’s New Zombie Flick Was Shot on an iPhone 15 5 months ago:
It was a joke
- Comment on 28 Years Later: Danny Boyle’s New Zombie Flick Was Shot on an iPhone 15 5 months ago:
- Comment on 28 Years Later: Danny Boyle’s New Zombie Flick Was Shot on an iPhone 15 5 months ago:
Couldn’t even use a 16 Pro?
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
You live in a fantasy world if you think it’s possible to catch 100% of mistakes internally.
Nice strawman. No one said anything about catching 100% of mistakes internally. But outsourcing that work to unpaid volunteers with zero verification of qualifications is the definition of “passing the buck”.
The correct answer is to hire and train up a QA team.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Not many.
Yes, literally every single person on this planet can recite a song or poem.
But there are naturally massive differences between a human brain and an LLM. The point I was making is that an LLM doesn’t copy and store books and articles wholesale. The ability to reproduce samples from the dataset is more of a quirk than a feature, in the same way that a person can memorize things.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
You’re right, I’ve responded to a few comments here and I thought it was another comment thread I was replying to.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
I don’t get why people who don’t like their content bother hating them.
Because for good or bad, they have a significant influence in the tech world.
Take the Linux challenge, for example. They massively misrepresented the usability of Linux for the average person and for gamers. They even concluded at the end of their challenge that Linux was unsuitable for most gamers. And the release and success of the Steam Deck shortly afterwards was quite delicious.
Then there was the bit where Linus didn’t read the warning about the package manager removing the desktop environment and just hit yes, then complained that it wasn’t his fault and that the system was poorly designed.
The guy literally has an issue with accountability.
You’re upset they aren’t more knowledgeable as if everyone making tech content needs to know everything.
A better statement is that I’m upset because they preach their deep and unchallengeable knowledge and act as a be-all end-all authority in tech.
But really I’m not “upset” by them. I just really dislike them and think they’re insufferable.
And I don’t watch LTT. And there are plenty of other, and objectively better, channels about tech. And I watch those better channels, including GamersNexus.
All I’ll say is I’m willing to wait and see if they improve or if they make similar mistakes.
Their entire channel is a giant mistake. All of their content is garbage by virtue of their proven flawed and subpar provides. A process they admitted was flawed, and from what I’ve seen is still flawed with the garbage corrections in the comments nonsense they promised to fix.
They’re just going to go about business as usual and just be a little more careful with their public image. They don’t deserve the views they get.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
And? No one said otherwise. The comment I was responding to made the argument that LLMs merely memorize content, which isn’t true.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Fine, you win, I misunderstood.
It’s not a competition, but I genuinely respect you for saying you misunderstood.
Once an LLM is trained, it is static and unchanging until you re-train it with new data and update the model.
Absolutely! I honestly think this is the main thing (or at least one of the main things) that prevent human-level intelligence or even sentience in LLM’s.
Think about how our minds work. From the moment we’re born (really, it’s way before that) our brains are bombarded with input and feedback from every sense. It takes a person many months of that to start recognizing things. That’s also why babies sleep so much, their brains are kinda “training” and growing fast. Organizing all the data into memories.
Side bar: this is actually what dreams are. Dreams are emotions, thoughts, ideas, or whatever concept a neuron or group of neurons are associated with getting triggered. When we dream it’s our brain taking the days inputs and building new connections. The neural connections in our brains are very much like weights and feed-forward process of neural activation is near identical to how artificial neural networks function. They aren’t called “artificial neural networks” for no reason.
Here’s a useful graphic that shows things that make up “intelligence”
A very basic definition of intelligence is “the ability to solve problems or make decisions”.
I think the term is just often misused in common parlance so often that people start applying in a scientific setting incorrectly. Kinda how people used to call an entire computer the CPU, which like the word intelligence everyone understands what’s being said, but it’s factually wrong.
Same thing today when people say “I bought a new GPU” when they should say “I bought a new video card” as the GPU is just a component.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
I don’t understand why LTT gets so much crap from people
Because their clowns. Literally. Their content is pure tech entertainment with constant immature humour and little substance. The way they present themselves is like a group of teenagers messing around.
Then there’s their “expertise”. They don’t know tech beyond a Windows “power user”.
But in regards to the more recent scandal, I really think a lot of those things are fixable and I’ll be watching to see if they fix them.
Linus showed his true colours during the Billet Labs incident. He doubled down hard, and I’m convinced that even today Linus feels like he did nothing wrong. They have zero reputation to salvage, IMO.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
No, don’t give those clowns more money.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
but I do enjoy LTT’s content overall.
I used to as well, up until the storage server video and their Linux challenge.
I lost every shred of respect and interest after Linus showed his true colours during the Billet Labs nonsense.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
Cause we got a good glimpse into the kind of person Linus was when that whole thing started, by selling the prototype that wasnt his, then going out and lying about being in contact with the company, who he lied about forgiving him and making a deal to make up for it…
This is what all his rabidly loyal fans miss. He showed true colours during this incident.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
Doubled down?
Yes, doubled down. After being called out Linus made two separate long posts about why he wasn’t wrong.
They also formed a volunteer team of “beta tester” viewers who see each video pre-release
So using free labour instead of just doing their jobs? If they can’t “catch any mistakes internally”, then they’re just bad at their jobs (which they are).
I think they handled it well.
Yes, the PR team they used gave them a good corporate playbook to work with.
“Slowed the upload cadence” is just another way to say “wait for this to blow over”.
I used to watch LTT, mostly because it was interesting from the “let’s see what those guys have to say”. I had zero interest in their technical expertise because, well, they don’t really have any. They’ve always been clowns, but after their storage server video and their Linux “challenge” I lost all respect for any talent or knowledge they claimed to have. After the Billet Labs incident I lost any shred of respect I had for them.
They are clowns.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
If you put a gazillion monkeys on a typewriter they can write Shakespeare.
This is a mathematical curiosity borne out of pure randomness. An LLM trained on a dataset to generate similar content is quite the opposite of randomness.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Get a load of this maroon, they think LLMs are actually sapient!
I guess reading comprehension is as bad here as it’s ever been on the internet.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
I’m pretty sure LLMs have exactly reproduced copyrighted passages.
If I asked you to recite a popular poem, nursery rhyme, a song, or book passage there’s a good chance you could. Everyone can recite things word for word.
It’s the same with LLM’s, if they’re asked to generate, for example, an article written by the New York Post about a specific topic they really did write about, then it’s similar to asking someone to recite a poem or song.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Like fuck it is. An LLM “learns” by memorization and by breaking down training data into their component tokens, then calculating the weight between these tokens.
But this is, at a very basic fundamental level, how biological brains learn. It’s not the whole story, but it is a part of it.
there’s no actual intelligence, just really, really fancy fuzzy math.
You mean sapience or consciousness. Or you could say “human-level intelligence”. But LLM’s by definition have real “actual” intelligence, just not a lot of it.
an LLM would learn “2+2 = 4” by ingesting tens or hundreds of thousands of instances of the string “2+2 = 4” and calculating a strong relationship between the tokens “2+2,” “=,” and “4,”
This isn’t true. At all. There are math specific benchmarks made by experts to specifically test the problem solving and domain specific capabilities of LLM’s. And you can be sure they aren’t “what’s 2 + 2?”
I’m not here to make any claims about the ethics or legality of the training. All I’m commenting on is the science behind LLM’s.
- Comment on Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic” 6 months ago:
Bad argument.
It would hold water if their solution was proprietary and closed source. But it isn’t, and anyone else, literally anyone, can take Proton and use it in their project for profit.
Even if they closed shop tomorrow, or even just gave up work on Proton itself, we’d all still reap the benefits at no cost to us.
- Comment on Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France 6 months ago:
That is the point of E2EE. If anyone but the sender and receiver can see the messages then it’s not E2EE. This is the part that politicians and governments don’t understand (or just ignore). The idea that some designated authority can look at the messages when needed is entirely at odds with E2EE. It’s as valid as true = false or 2 + 2 = cat.