Try harder for an erection permit. 7 months ago 7 months ago 7 months ago
Yes, it’s called “keep it in your pants if you want your partner to get pregnant and she doesn’t want to because abortion is illegal in a lot of states now.” 7 months ago
Keep it in my pants is my strategy anyhow because I’m an antinatalist and do not gamble with my ethics. There isn’t a scenario where I’m trying to impregnate someone who doesn’t want it, so don’t come at me with a chip on your shoulder like that.
I had a friend who was born despite his father’s vasectomy. I don’t care what the odds are. I don’t play with odds. 7 months ago
I’m guessing the odds are so slim that vasectomy plus condom is so close to impossible statistically speaking that you would be safe. I’m not trying to criticize your personal choice, which is perfectly valid. 7 months ago
I’d rather jerk it than bother with a condom and my cosmic tier anxiety about the universe I live in trying to peg me with a ‘gotcha’ and beating me up over failing to handle my own desire. I’ll handle it. 7 months ago
Sounds like boning dudes is right up your (or their) alley. 7 months ago
That would be convenient. 🤣😭 7 months ago
tl;dr - yes and no. 7 months ago
Urologists do vasectomies and they don’t generally harass guys about their reproductive choices because sexism (vasectomies being easier to reverse is probably a factor too). 7 months ago
I got my vasectomy done through Planned Parenthood. I had to go in for a screening first where they asked questions like, “Are you sure you want to do this?” and I said yeah and they said, “Really sure?” and I said yeah, so they said “OK cool, come back in two weeks and we’ll snip snip.”
Very easy process, highly recommend. 7 months ago
When I broached the subject with my doctor he asked how many kids I have. I said 0. He seemed to have more of a personal reaction as if a friend had said that and he started to push back ever so slightly saying something like “but kids are great”. I just responded matter of factly that that shouldn’t matter. He instantly snapped out of it and back to doctor mode, apologized, and set up the referral. I was snipped inside a month with not another whisper of hesitancy from anyone. 7 months ago
Had mine done through the NHS. Basically two questions, “do you have children already” and “how long since your last child was born?”.
If you haven’t had kids yet, you just need to explain why you want a vasectomy, usually with a specialist. If your last child was born less than two months ago, they want you to wait (apparently a lot of men’s first reaction to the realities of having a baby is to try to ensure it won’t happen again). 7 months ago
Why should I have to explain my choices regarding my body? Take my money and do your job or don’t and I’ll go to someone else who will. 7 months ago
Holup. Is that a penis specific doctor or is there no penis specific doctor while everyone is going around saying vagina science is way behind penis science because societal level discrimination?
Also, literally everyone I meet who hears about it gives me shit for my choice to never have kids, and I’m a guy. Just because you don’t experience it doesn’t mean guys don’t also take shit from the baby crazy people. I’m an antinatalist. 7 months ago
Women also have urinary tracts so no, Urologists treat both sexes. Believe it or not gynecology was very sexist in the era where only men could be doctors. The presence of a specialty does not preclude it from bias and harm.
Also saying penis specific and vagina specific is really missing the mark, it’s generally the internal stuff that is more of an issue (prostates for men, womb, ovaries and fallopian tubes for women).
Men are generally more permitted by traditional western society to pursue things outside of raising a family than women are, and as with most things personal experience can and will vary. 7 months ago
Gynecology probably used to be really bullshit and run by dudes who just wanted to deal with vagina for a living. 7 months ago
Depends on your country. In France not all urologists will help you 7 months ago
Can they foretell Uranus’s movements? 7 months ago
I’d refer you to an astronomer for that 7 months ago
Or an astrologer, if you want the dollar-store version. 7 months ago
Actually most of them do. 7 months ago
I can’t speak for that myself but my brother said he had a very easy time with his.