So, the license to kill is fine, as long it’s non US citizens?
Your definition of democracy and basic human rights is fucking unhinged.
Wars are against foreigners not US citizens. Not against the flag and the constitution it represents.
Domestic case law for will need to test their ruling.
So, the license to kill is fine, as long it’s non US citizens?
Your definition of democracy and basic human rights is fucking unhinged.
Interesting reaction to what was a logical statement. He was simply stating how things are.
Logic without empathy is the hallmark of psychopathy
Observing a system you’re in and have no control over must be done objectively. 7 months ago
Always a riddle to me how Usamericans do not respect basic human rights of all other people in the world. For example, the right to live.
Regarding our example here: your distinction seems a bit meaningless because ordering a war means not only ordering the death of other people in the world. War is always against more than one party. It means also ordering the death of Usamerican soldiers and probably civilians. 7 months ago
Remember, the wars are fought against brown people, and US soldiers are poor people. Both of these groups are perfect raw materials for the military industrial complex to convert into profit. 7 months ago
Thank you for confirming my concerns. 7 months ago
The answer really is that desperation is a design feature not a flaw. The system is working as intended. And people who speak up about it don’t get silenced. They just get caught out fighting to survive unless they’re already very rich. So for every Bernie Sanders you’ve got thousands of poor people who would fight for the same but not at the expense of feeding their families and losing their homes. 7 months ago
Lol. That was 2007. I feel so old. 7 months ago
Somebody should whinge about the unborn being aborted via carpet bombing or similar. I’d like to see the cognitive dissonance. 7 months ago
Is it you, Rambo?