- Comment on I always love Casino movies. One thing they all have is if a person is screwing up cheating being beligerant and other stuff they take them to a room. And their face gets messed up is this real? 5 days ago:
In the early days of Vegas yeah it was true or at least it’s said it was.
Today not that we know of.
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 6 days ago:
Exactly. What specifically are the democrats to do at this point?
- Comment on Why do people see me as far older than 19 when I type the way I do sometimes?/Why do people think full stops are rude? 1 week ago:
The idea of periods being rude or something is moronic.
- How do you change the mouse over highlight color in windows 11? Where the mouse pointer is (Apps) in the photo it is easy to see what is highlighted. On the computer screen it's impossible to ↗Submitted 1 week ago to | 11 comments
- Comment on If political agendas were released, or summarized, like patch notes would people better understand what they are signup for? for? 1 week ago:
He literally said he wanted the unilateral ability to remove benefits of a constitutional amendment from United States citizens. Once you give that ability to one President you give it to ALL of them. Once you let a President do that to one amendment, you let them do it to ALL amendments.
People voted in mass for that option.
On a side note when this blows up in their faces, I will have ZERO sympathy. They want it, they got it.
- Comment on What's it called when a man steals women's selfies to use to create a fake online persona, and when people call him out on this, he says "I never said those photos are me"? 1 week ago:
Someone needs to sue him for identity theft.him.
As fast so know it won’t matter that he claims "I never said it was me ". It’s that a reasonable person would take it that he was implying it was him. A reasonable person would believe it was him.
Sure the crap out of him.
- Comment on Is thinly-veiled political whinging really a question just because you used a question mark? 1 week ago:
Are there really people getting upset about a ?
People can get a thicker skin ?
I mean people need to relax a little ?
Or I might get petty ?
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
I agree. Even if the democrats were doomed to fail because of how the Republicans operate. But the democrats didn’t even start the process.
At least be in record that a bill was put up and the Republicans voted it down. To not do anything was stupid. Maybe ya get lucky and get something passed.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 2 weeks ago:
That entire second paragraph… Needs to be your opening statement to your therapist. They can help you figure out what is wrong with it and how to help you.
I am no where near qualified to answer it for you.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 2 weeks ago:
If i simply said hi to someone and they screamed I HEARD YOU, I would literally think fine then I won’t say hi again.
This is something called human nature. If you act like an ass to me then I will stop talking to you. The fact that you don’t see that says not only do you have anger issues, I would ask if you are sociopathic or bipolar. You need serious help either way. Even if you aren’t either of those you need to figure out how to fix this. You won’t have many friends if you keep going this way.
You call it tough love but trust be very few people on the entire planet would call it anything other then being an asshole.
There is a way to help people without being a jerk about it.
To answer the question of : do people find it a turnoff?
Hell yes. Why would they find it any other thing then a turn off? People don’t enjoy being treated that way.
You praise men and ignore women and you think that’s ok. That’s a serious disconnect from reality. Wanting women to improve themselves is good, but this is NOT the way to do it.
Again I would encourage you to get help.
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 2 weeks ago:
Depends are we taking annoying stuff?
Then it might be that you didn’t understand their sense of humor.
Rude? It’s hard to say. Without being there I would hesitate to judge in either direction. Was it that they were actually being rude and are just an asshole? Was it not that bad and you don’t get their sense of humor? Is it that you actually have no sense is humor? It’s difficult to know without a lot more detail.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Sure just give me your credit card number for… Security purposes
- Comment on If you became a millionaire woman in your early 30s, how would your Friday would look like? From the morning until the time you close your eyes to sleep. Only straight answers, no bs. 2 weeks ago:
Pretty much dead on.
Million isn’t that big of a dollar amount when you look at cost of living
- Comment on What's the best way to respond to a gaslighter who repeatedly uses "you can't speak for my intentions" as a gotcha? 2 weeks ago:
Give up. Block them. Move on. There is zero possibility of changing them.
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 3 weeks ago:
All of those things are important, and no, we don’t have to fix them all at the same time, but let’s fix one of them. choose , which one do you wanna fix first. Then let’s start working on it. That is true if we try to tell the average person out there to work on all these, it’s too much it’s overwhelming. They’re not gonna try but if we focus Then there’s possibility.
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 3 weeks ago:
Food is a bad example because it will never have a subscription fee on it.
The point of my post was if there’s any way reasonably that you can get around not buying it, then just don’t buy it.
That’s why I chose a microwave. Do you really have to have a microwave? Not really
do you really have to have a TV to watch TV? No you don’t have to watch TV.
Do You really have to have an electronic alarm clock? No.
Headphones same thing, …
Are there instances where you might not have any choice? Yeah of course. But the vast majority of purchases do not fall in that category. That’s my point. If there is a realistic way to not buy something then don’t.
Car is a great example: do you really have to buy a NEW car? No. You are choosing to buy a new car. There’s used cars out there.
Don’t need to know the ins and outs of every industry. Just ask a couple of simple questions: does this have a subscription fee? Do I really have absolutely no other choice but to buy this item?
Not sure why that would be tough for people to ask.
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 3 weeks ago:
You laugh, but as a business owner, if I have people tell me they won’t buy because of x, and i am watching customer after customer walk out empty handed… I’d be an idiot to not fix the problem.
So how is that not voting?
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 3 weeks ago:
I would disagree. If I just don’t buy anything and don’t say anything, you’re right that’s not voting. But if I go into just for example, a car dealership, I noticed that all the cars have subscription fees on them and then I tell the general manager that the reason I’m not buying is because of the subscription fee. That is voting.
The same goes for a stereo receiver. If I walk into Best Buy to buy one, and I noticed they’ll have subscription fees, and I tell the general manager of Best Buy that I’m not buying because of this that is voting.
If I call up Denon or Yamaha or or one of the other companies I say hey do you have a receiver that doesn’t have a subscription? And then they tell me no theyall do I tell them well then I just won’t buy any of them that is voting.
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 3 weeks ago:
Sort of true.
Ex: my dvd player broke and the only replacement is an always on player worth a subscription fee. Do I really have to have a new player? No
Can I go do something other than watching movies? Yes
Is it going to mean I’m going to be homeless or lose my job of I don’t have one? No
Then leave it on the shelf.
Microwave: do I need to have one? No. We went for thousands of years without one. Leave it on until shelf.
Alarm clock… go to a pawn shop and find one that is older. There is no reason to buy one with a subscription fee. Your grandma might have an old mechanical one. Leave it on the shelf
Refrigerator might be a hard one to get around, but look for one without the sub fee or the always on concept.
Stereo receiver look for an older one or go without. Leave it on the shelf. If there is a subscription fee leave it
Ask yourself: is there a way around not having it. If there is then go without if needed.
TV breaks: well if they all have subscription fees then say f it and done buy a new one.
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 3 weeks ago:
Yes but ONLY because people keep buying the shit. People vote with their wallets. If people would stop buying it companies would stop doing it.
- Comment on The voice how many episodes in current season 3 weeks ago:
It used to be longer / more episodes. They said on air that there was going to be less episodes, because people wanted less… So yeah probably not going to say anything… Probably will just leave.
- Comment on The voice how many episodes in current season 3 weeks ago:
The vast majority was just blind auditions.
Next it was the head to head round (half the people went home)
Then battle round (basically a second head to head)(half the people went home)
Next One live round, then the next live round, then the results of the 2nd live round.
And that was it. Shows over.
So basically for a given contestant. I hear hear them once in blinds, once in head to head, once in battle, once in live, once more in the next live show. So that’s five songs total. You barely get to figure out what they sound like. Minimum 3 more songs is what I want. So basically you’d extend the season by 3 weeks. 1 song per week.
- Comment on The voice how many episodes in current season 3 weeks ago:
… Thank you, I’ll try this season but if it’s as short as it was last season, then I’m done.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Considering how many times I’ve told people the path we were headed down. I literally tried telling people what Trump was going to do (what he is now doing), and they said I was exaggerating, that I was just making things up. That it would never happen.
I’ve been saying for many years this was going to happen.
People want unions, but for for those that vote against unions.
People want social security, but for those that want to limit social security.
People won’t believe that long lines even exist to vote even when shown videos.
People won’t even try to understand what tariffs are or the damage they cause.
People demand privacy, then vote for the very people that are controlling the corporations that are spying on you.
When I continously say for years don’t run into that brick wall or you’ll break your face, then people run into the brick wall. I’m going to have a hard time showing any sympathy.
Now… Well… Now I’ll take care of my mom and myself.
- Comment on I need a flicker free LED lightbulb running in the 3000 K range. 1 month ago:
Thank you. I do appreciate it
- Comment on I need a flicker free LED lightbulb running in the 3000 K range. 1 month ago:
They look good. Do you have a model number or the upc code off the box? If I can buy it locally I’d like to. But it doesn’t show that info on the Amazon site.
- Comment on I need a flicker free LED lightbulb running in the 3000 K range. 1 month ago:
Where would I buy an incandescent from for a normal table lamp?
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 16 comments
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 9 comments