- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
The suffering is the point. It’s got nothing to do with morals or human rights or the death penalty or abortion or “Christian values”. It’s all about making “those people” suffer.
- Comment on C++ should be called ++C 5 months ago:
GNU’s Not Unix
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 8 months ago:
Lol. That was 2007. I feel so old.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
This is exciting, now just to wait until it’s available in my state.
- Comment on What’s your opinion of the Jhoes? 11 months ago:
I liked it
- Comment on What’s your opinion of the Jhoes? 11 months ago:
NGL I’d wear them.
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
…the US knew about it but allowed it to happen…
I hear this, and in hindsight it makes sense to say, but put yourself back in the mindset of the late 90s. The US was a fucking giant. The world saw what happened after pearl harbor, I believe it was less of “allowing it to happen” and more of “we were so arrogant that we couldn’t believe anyone would be dumb enough to actually do it”.
- Comment on Name one of his songs. 1 year ago:
Artist: Harley Davidson Song: Idle, followed by acceleration and shift to second, followed by more idling.
- Comment on I like women but I also like cock but I'm not otherwise attracted to the male body at all. Wtf is my sexual orientation? 1 year ago:
Maybe, maybe not. Just depends TBH.
- Comment on A gel injected into the scrotum could be the next male contraceptive 1 year ago:
My wife had significant issues with hers, including basically never-ending spotting and occasional surprise periods, cramps, mood issues, etc. She had it removed after 2 years.
I’m thinking a vasectomy is the next thing, but it isn’t covered on my insurance and finding a doctor is intimidating.
- Comment on I'm not kidding when I say for the FIRST time I actually can grasp the size 1 year ago:
52ft or something long. Go look for a RV or camper. Simply because they are sold by the foot.
A 40ft camper is pretty huge and can easily fit 6-10 people comfortably.
People turn containers into apartment type buildings for a family of 2-3.
- Comment on We always imagine that if humans had tails they'd be furry tails but they'd actually probably be hairless like our bodies 1 year ago:
Sometimes our body tries to include traits of our ape ancestors.
But apes don’t have tails.
However approximately 25mya the monkey and ape lines split so itust have come from at least that far back.
- Comment on Do scrota have the same wrinkle pattern every time they get cold? 1 year ago:
First left, then right.
2FA just took an unexpected turn.
- Comment on Scrooge mcduck discovers bankruptcy 1 year ago:
Let’s see, you posted this about 19 hours ago, starting value was 315 with a bunch of zeros… yeah someone else can do the math, but I think our buddy scrooge will be just fine.
- Comment on The evolution of masturbation is associated with postcopulatory selection and pathogen avoidance in primates 1 year ago:
- Comment on Choose wisely 1 year ago:
Snickers 100%
- Comment on Pfizer says it will price Covid treatment Paxlovid at nearly $1,400 for a five-day course, which researchers estimate only costs Pfizer $13 to produce. That's a 10,000%+ markup. Shameful. 1 year ago:
Oh no, whatever will we do if old dudes can’t have 6 different types of boner pills?
- Comment on Enjoy. (I promise he's actually there somewhere) 1 year ago:
- Comment on Oxford study proves heat pumps triumph over fossil fuels in the cold 1 year ago:
Ah yeah that’s a different story then. However I’ve never heard of in-floor cooling before. I wonder how effective it would be since heat rises? I think you’d just have a cool floor and hot muggy air. Also the floor would condense water constantly so your floor would be slippery and if you have carpet it would be wet / damp constantly.
- Comment on Oxford study proves heat pumps triumph over fossil fuels in the cold 1 year ago:
It definitely can. If yours can’t then it’s likely just the thermostat wired wrong.
- Comment on Oxford study proves heat pumps triumph over fossil fuels in the cold 1 year ago:
You think you are being a smartass but that’s exactly what heat pumps do. The only functionality difference between an AC unit and a heat pump is a reversing valve.
But without a reversing valve you could put your AC unit in backwards and heat your house in the winter.
The whole premise of an AC unit is to take the heat from inside the house and put it outside, leaving you with cooler air inside.
So in the winter a heat pump simply reverses the flow of the freon and moves the heat from outside to inside. Yes. You are “cooling the whole neighborhood” when you run a heat pump.
- Comment on Print failed successfully! 1 year ago:
MechanicalKeyboards folks are LIVID right now.
- Comment on It's called shitposting because it's done on the terlet 1 year ago:
What happened there?
- Comment on Which Lemmy android app is the most battery efficient? 1 year ago:
Hey man, just tried summit. So far it’s super quick but it’s almost too barebones for me. But I’m going to give it a try for a week and see if it grows on me.
I do love that you implement gestures