And that response right there, that’s why we are all fucked.
I read today that major banks are starting to move investments away from fossil fuels. Your mentality has about as much foresight.
“Self-centred,” the fucking irony.
Comment on BBC News - Stonehenge covered in powder paint by Just Stop Oil 8 months ago
Because defacing an ancient site has a clear connection to the environment... bunch of fucking self-centered attention-whores.
And that response right there, that’s why we are all fucked.
I read today that major banks are starting to move investments away from fossil fuels. Your mentality has about as much foresight.
“Self-centred,” the fucking irony.
Just because you support a cause doesn’t mean you need to support every attention seeking brainrot idiot that uses the cause as an excuse to flaunt their stupidity.
These people are not helping the environment, they’re playing a silly game for attention without caring about the consequences.
they’re playing a silly game for attention without caring about the consequences
They’re playing a silly but very serious game for attention, the same silly game that politicians and corporate PR departments play. And they seem to care a very great deal about the consequences.
Any publicity is good publicity, it’s paint, it can be cleaned up. But drilling for fossil fuels, burning shit to get energy, etc. That will leave a mark on the planet for generations, it might even kill us in the long enough run.
They are rocks my friend. Rocks. Birds shit on them daily and have for thoudands of years. But go ahead and be mad about the rocks getting cornflower on them. Very good little reactionary Brit.
Ever play a Civilization game where Stone Henge ends up underwater because of the sea rising? Yeah. Thats all our art. All our society.
One thousand shits on Mona Lisa for one saved human life. But we will choose to protect the symbols of capital and status quo.
Enjoying the Gulf Stream collapsing further this summer?
Because defacing an ancient site has a clear connection to the environment… bunch of fucking self-centered attention-whores.
Just Stop Oil said the orange powder paint was cornflour and it would “wash away with rain”.
I wonder how many of your strong opinions are based on things that you don’t even bother to investigate beyond your first impression. 8 months ago
It’s either this or ineffectual protests that get swept under the rug and ignored. You should be happy that their protest is purely cosmetic too. 8 months ago
Defacing random things that don’t have any connect at all to what you’re protesting only makes you look bad.
Yeah, it got attention. Bad attention. 8 months ago
Let’s be real here. What could climate protesters do that wouldn’t get them bad attention? History has shown: Nothing. There is nothing they could do that wouldn’t get them bad attention. In Germany, they even got cussed out for blocking private jets.
Face it: The powerful do not fear retaliation from the masses if they vilify climate protesters. The protesterscannot win the PR battle. So all they have left is publicity stunts. And as far as publicity stunts go, plastering stones with water-soluble paint is about as tame as it gets. 8 months ago
Some will likely turn towards eco terrorism within the next years of continued inaction. 8 months ago
No publicity is bad publicity, especially when you are trying to remind people what the world is being destroyed by.
Sites of human history have no significance if there are no humans. 8 months ago
What would you have them deface? 8 months ago
Oh I don’t know… Something that has anything to do with oil production 8 months ago
But why Stonehenge? Why not oil company buildings? I believe oil companies generally have buildings. Large buildings. With their names on them. 8 months ago
Because that doesn’t make the headlines. 8 months ago
Maybe we need to come up with a way to deface oil company buildings that does make headlines 8 months ago
Because when a child wants the attention that your not giving, it shits on your kitchen floor so that you have to pay attention. 8 months ago
False choice. Those aren’t the only options. We’re in a election season. Get out there and help convince the public to vote for people who will actually make a difference.
Making noise and demanding things is what children do. 8 months ago
Were I the "protest type", I'd be getting awfully creative with what can be done to the infrastructure of the things I was protesting. Big Oil? Would be a shame if the refineries were to suffer malfunctions... or the trucks/ships to suffer constant breakdowns...
But yeah, instead let's go fuck with something that has no relation and only serves to piss people off - but not in the way you want them pissed off. 8 months ago
sounds like “how to get prescribed as a terrorist organisation 101” 8 months ago
Ah yes, let’s commit industrial sabotage. That’ll go swimmingly! 8 months ago
I am surprised that people haven’t taken How to Blow Up a Pipeline (book or film) as more of a guide. I presume, as the climate apocalypse intensifies, protestors might escalate. 8 months ago
I’m generally supportive of any and all forms of non-violent protest (by which I mean not harming human life), including these, but let’s not pretend the choice is between “standing around with placards” and “vandalise random artwork & monuments”. Blockading ports exporting coal is an excellent direct protest, or vandalising actual fossil fuel companies’ property in such a way that disrupts their ability to do business. Heck, even the classic “block roads in peak hour” is better than this (just for the love of the gods, don’t disrupt passenger trains or busways).
Don’t get me wrong, this is still ok, and it’s better than nothing at all, but there are more effective ways to protest. 8 months ago
well, at least nothing is reliable and free.