- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
That fat apartheid fuck needs to piss off his aircraft maintenance guy.
- Comment on TriliumNext Notes - The last note taking app you should ever need 7 months ago:
Most of those options are the traditional text-based, "page" based type notes. There really aren't that many options in terms of competition to something like OneNote though, where the "page" isnt a fixed size, and supports more than just plain text such as handwritten text, or images, or stuff that doesnt necessarily fit in a neat little square.
Dont get me wrong, there are some fantastic note-taking apps out there that are dead simple to use, but if you're looking specifically for something like OneNote, then again, super limited options.
- Comment on BBC News - Stonehenge covered in powder paint by Just Stop Oil 8 months ago:
Were I the "protest type", I'd be getting awfully creative with what can be done to the infrastructure of the things I was protesting. Big Oil? Would be a shame if the refineries were to suffer malfunctions... or the trucks/ships to suffer constant breakdowns...
But yeah, instead let's go fuck with something that has no relation and only serves to piss people off - but not in the way you want them pissed off.
- Comment on Biden gives residency to undocumented spouses of US citizens 8 months ago:
Funny, because your candidate doesn't support any of that.
- Comment on Life By You devs spent “a month in purgatory” prior to closure, says laid-off designer, despite their sim-like exceeding Paradox's expectations 8 months ago:
Hopefully the backlash of the Cities 2 release directly caused this, because holy shit something needs to start happening in regard to half-assed releases and unfulfilled marketing.
- Comment on BBC News - Stonehenge covered in powder paint by Just Stop Oil 8 months ago:
Because defacing an ancient site has a clear connection to the environment... bunch of fucking self-centered attention-whores.
- Comment on Biden gives residency to undocumented spouses of US citizens 8 months ago:
While I don't agree with illegal immigration, it's good to see that at least the ones that have kept their head down, contributed to society and community, and have essentially made themselves part of us at least have the option to make it official without having to split up their family in the meantime.
- Comment on Highly potent opioids are showing up in drug users in Africa for the first time, report says 8 months ago:
At least until some General Mills or Unilever or whomever's front company comes along, industrializes it, and starts messing with it to whittle it down only to "fortify" it later.
- Comment on Highly potent opioids are showing up in drug users in Africa for the first time, report says 8 months ago:
Sort of like the CIA and the crack epidemic, wonder how much influence China's push into Africa has on this.
- Comment on Hearing is be-leafing: Students invent quieter leaf blower 9 months ago:
"Patent pending" and already picked up by a major manufacturer. So what this means is basically while it could be a good thing... the article is basically an advertisement for an upcoming product.
Not nearly as good a thing until it gets copied/the patent gets worked around. Also, zero explanation of what was actually done to accomplish this, so again, leaning more towards "this is just advertisement with extra steps".
- Comment on Waveshare's Latest Sensor Adds a Thermal Camera to Your Raspberry Pi — or Any Device with a USB Port - 9 months ago:
Yeah, that combination of his own self-importance, and his fanbase's seeming need to slobber all over his knob seems to result in a never-ending circlejerk about such a trash person. Him and that rapist Taint.