- Comment on Is there a Lemmy equivalent of "r/bestofredditorupdates"? 1 day ago:
I half agree but also I think with every extra step reddit takes like banning people for upvoting posts that mention Luigi we see more people interested in a freer alternative.
What lemmy needs is some new use cases reddit doesn’t have, I’ve been thinking about making an adversary debate platform that basically just offers a different format to a thread designed to make understanding events easier. Also I want to try making gamified chat modes where the main image is altered based on agreement or disagreement in the thread, basically an info graphic of the thread.
I’d love to make some game experiences on it too, I was thinking of a similar collaborative experience where user interactions in the thread alter the main image gameboard - would be great to use the existing floss infrastructure to make something open and fun.
- Comment on First Porn, Now Skin Cream? ‘Age Verification’ Bills Are Out of Control. 1 day ago:
And lock down the computer so it can’t use a bootdisk, lock out programs that can be used to circumvent locks like steam, browser plug-ins, and other VM stuff…
- Comment on First Porn, Now Skin Cream? ‘Age Verification’ Bills Are Out of Control. 1 day ago:
That’s the bit about this I hate, I do think porn can be dangerous especially for people who aren’t emotionally and intellectually ready for it but these systems do the opposite of help.
Teens are curious, letting them sneak a peek at pornhub doesn’t have much risk but forcing them to learn how to accesses backroom porng R ** from seedy discord groups or similar puts them in actual genuine danger from preditors and exposes them to far more intense and possibly illegal porn.
In my friends kids school there was a situation with a girl that had an iPhone she’d been sent by some guy on roblox, rumor was she’d ‘earned it’ when playing at a friend’s house with less strict parental supervision. It’s already hard to stop teens putting themselves in danger, especially with so many bad people out there preying on them.
- Comment on Crypto bros have discovered idle games, and the results are incredibly boring 5 months ago:
Sometimes I day dream about what I’d say if I was elons friend. There are a lot of things.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
Dang kids don’t know how to tune a TV or do the tappets in their car!
They’ll be screwed if they find themselves in 1980!
- Comment on My Job Is to Train Tesla's Cars to Drive Themselves 5 months ago:
If it helps i can explain how lemmy thinks,
Elon does nothing at his companies and is lazy and stupid, also Elon is intricately responsible for everything which happens at his companies and so everything they do is bad.
They will believe any ‘Elon bad’ story because they’re desperate to, largely because he said some bad things on Twitter and is bad at memes. They will also assume any Elon related thing is bad because to them reality is a team sport and if someone has differing political opinions they must be not only ontological evil but stupid and bad in every way.
- Comment on My Job Is to Train Tesla's Cars to Drive Themselves 5 months ago:
It’s hilarious to me when people complain about jobs like this training AI, oh you watch videos and it’s hard to concentrate after a while? Welcome to actual driving jobs and factory work!
Before automation people stood at machines doing the same repetitive task for 8 hours a day or longer and if they lose concentration they could lose a limb.
Automation and computation has made what would have been absolute plum luxury jobs less than a hundred years ago seem burdensome and ‘dystopian’ to our modern sensibilities, I have no doubt that we will likewise see the mental and physical effort of driving as well as the danger of it become as unconscionable as threshing or machine operator work is to us now.
- Comment on I want an AI TV that blocks all forms of advertising. 5 months ago:
People with this mentality are so odd to me, like you must be very young or actively avoided witnessing any of the endless stream of disruptor technologies which have come and ended once untouchable business by making them obsolete.
That or you’ve conveniently forgotten all the times you said something like ‘streaming will never replace video rental’ or ‘they’ll never let VoIP displace long distance call charges’ then reality has proven you wrong.
I call the other side of the world almost every day for several hours and it costs me absolutely nothing, when I was a kid we had to time how long a call to the other side of town lasted because it was so expensive.
Tech regularly makes things significantly cheaper, and not just on the scale of things like lace costing so much that lace curtains were a sign of high affluence before the industrial revolution. Have you ever had a encyclopedia salesman knock at your door? No? It was common before Wikipedia and the internet absolutely destroyed that business model and gave everyone access to information for free.
- Comment on I want an AI TV that blocks all forms of advertising. 5 months ago:
Pagers were in somewhat common use in the 60s, by 1980 wide area paging was on the market offering the ability to send text messages to portable devices anywhere in the country - I’d describe sms as two way pagers.
- Comment on Shock & Awe Dick Slithers Out Of His Neocon Lair To Endorse Kamala Over 'Depraved' Trump 5 months ago:
It’s fun how the right learns the people they elect are pieces of shit a decade or two after they’re out of power, if only it could see what the rest of the world sees before the election.
- Comment on There is no history on the History channel. There's nothing true on TruTV. There's no music on music television. There's no science on the science channel. 5 months ago:
It’s the same here in the UK, multiple BBC channels all disappointing
- Comment on YouTube to restrict teenagers’ exposure to videos about weight and fitness 5 months ago:
It’s funny that any time these companies are brought up everyone says they’re dangerous yet the second one listens to the sorts of studies about negative affects that get quoted here all the time everyone suddenly decides actually its censorship or brainwashing or corporate greed and that it’s evidence they’re evil…
Scientific studies said this content can harm developing children so they made efforts to mitigate harm, is it really so hard just to say ‘oh thats good, well done’ and if so then doesn’t that tell you a lot about your own motivations?
- Comment on YouTube to restrict teenagers’ exposure to videos about weight and fitness 5 months ago:
Because it’s not God making the choices it’s an algo, God would know what you want bur an algo needs data - if there is a popular video that lots of people who watch content you like watch then it makes sense they see if you’re interested.
It does the same with everything, your just notice the stuff you hate more, right wingers claim youtube and Facebook push woke stuff for the exact same reason.
- Comment on YouTube to restrict teenagers’ exposure to videos about weight and fitness 5 months ago:
The problem is youribe can only have one page of information and that has to be the front page offering old, new, expected and unexpected content in one easy to view list.
You know what would happen if they had a second list that only showed your subscribed content? Literally no one would click on it and everyone would complain it doesn’t exist, they proved this in a test where they had that exact feature on every single person’s page since they started but here we still are people complaining that their subscriptions don’t always show up on the fyp (algo page)
- Comment on Would a surgical puncture to the skull relieve a pressure headache? 6 months ago:
Also we don’t really know why they did it, could have been religious or a punishment for all we know
- Comment on Commentary, behind-the-scenes features, bloopers: What did we lose when we said goodbye to DVDs? 6 months ago:
Dvd is 480p so let’s not cry about only getting over twice the pixels through a stream, dvd also has jank compression compared to most streaming codex.
And I don’t pirate, I just watch higher quality content that isn’t proprietary by focusing on small creators especially those making under copy left licensing or cc0 like Jago Hazard
Why would I care what a billion or trillion dollar corporation wants to brainwash me with? You’re never going to see honest opinions in a Marvel movie or accurate social commentary, how many times do I need a film with the moral message ‘rich people are good actually’
- Comment on Commentary, behind-the-scenes features, bloopers: What did we lose when we said goodbye to DVDs? 6 months ago:
OK well in that case I commend you, though to be really good maybe you should download them to a drive after purchase and then you can donate the dvds for someone else or a community center.
- Comment on Commentary, behind-the-scenes features, bloopers: What did we lose when we said goodbye to DVDs? 6 months ago:
Ha no I’m not an iPhone user but regardless a phone is useful as it allows me to live more efficiently - not traveling to have every important conversation saves resources on its own and there’s thousands of other practical uses – wasting resources needlessly just to be a hipster is totally different.
I just find it funny that lemmy on one hand clmaours to cheer on terrorism in the name of the climate and all that stuff but simultaneous gets super mad any time anyone suggests the slightest lifestyle change for the sake of the environment - even if it’s objectively better.
DVD is a digital format so if you want to watch it in that lowered quality then you can download it in that codec and get literally exactly the same experience - but no, you need an entire wastful industry making short lived plastic disks just to make you feel superior to everyone using the objectively better technology.
Let the DVD factories close, stop making chemical coated plastic needlessly and grow up.
- Comment on Ex-bank CEO gets 24 years after falling for crypto scam, causing bank collapse 6 months ago:
That’s still 47 million of everyone’s money that could have been better spent
- Comment on Commentary, behind-the-scenes features, bloopers: What did we lose when we said goodbye to DVDs? 6 months ago:
Making toxic trash and wasting resources just to be a hipster, we’re all proud of you
- Comment on YouTube creator sues Nvidia and OpenAI for ‘unjust enrichment’ for using their videos for AI training 6 months ago:
Another rent eeeker trying to hold back human progress for personal greed, they’re super common.
- Comment on UK riots: Judge hands down longest jail sentences yet 6 months ago:
The uk isn’t like Texas where you get gunned down for trespassing or shoplifting, life and peace is valued over property. Please don’t try and export your capitalist obsession for property over people to the rest of the world.
- Comment on UK riots: Judge hands down longest jail sentences yet 6 months ago:
Yeah, when you actually look at a lot of protest movements lemmy blindly supports they’re deeply problematic in many ways, of course people want easy answers and glib heros so they’ll get mad if you try and demonstrate nuance.
- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 7 months ago:
Well look at gta online, moders and hackers have so much more power when the session isn’t run by the company. it alao allows them to find exploits much easier if the server tools are available to run locally. Also If you don’t want people being able to give themselves all the weapons and money and mess up your game that means game states can’t transfer between servers which means you could invest weeks in a campaign only to have the server close.
I prefer locally hosted stuff but there are obvious benefits which draw game companies to choosing to control the hosting process
- Comment on Activision revive Warzone's Caldera map as open source (yay!) but say it's to help train AI (booo) 7 months ago:
That’s great, ai is important and useful and good training data is important.
- Comment on Posit: In the future, generative A.I. will be thought of as the unconscious part of a general A.I.'s mind. 7 months ago:
That’s actually very true, interesting point
- Comment on Zuckerberg responds to Musk fight invitation: ‘Are we really doing this again?’ 7 months ago:
That’s what he means, ‘again’ is the whole Elon back and forth attention seeking that leads nowhere
- Comment on Waymo Is Suing People Who Allegedly Smashed and Slashed Its Robotaxis 7 months ago:
A technology that’ll disproportionately benefit the disabled, drunk and disadvantaged while enabling an integrated transport network by making final mile economically feasible is attacked by selfish idiots and of course lemmy supports them because it’s a new technology and apparently people here hate anything new.
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 7 months ago:
It’s tragic because a lot of these people aren’t just missing competent literacy but all the skills required to understand the world around them, and even worse often those ways of understanding have been replaced with religious nonsense by the people that raised them.
Imagine trying to make sense of the world when you think scientists work like preachers and prophets simply saying whatever feels right or suits the moment.
- Comment on Stoke-on-Trent couple fined £1,200 after clearing up rubbish 7 months ago:
We need good citizen protections, an extension of the laws used when providing aid that shield from liability, similar rules should exist to protect people who improve their local area.
It’s bad enough the council won’t do anything about the problems but evil they punish others for trying.