Make them in USA.
Comment on Biden really, really doesn’t want China to flood the US with cheap EVs 9 months ago
Make them in Mexico. Less reliance on one country is better for everyone. 9 months ago 9 months ago
This makes the most sense. Sell them here. Built elsewhere? Tax the shit out of them. You can avoid the tax by creating American jobs and having them manufactured here. 9 months ago
That’s what the chicken tax is/was. This is just a tax on EVs made by Chinese companies. It’s pretty ridiculous. 9 months ago
Yes, why not? They aren’t prohibited, they’re just being given a disadvantage compared to American made vehicles being sold in America. A tax for notoriously poor labor standards, we can call it. If they want to use a union shop somewhere in middle America they can avoid that tax altogether.
If I misunderstood you please correct me. 9 months ago
They don’t want to, they want you to keep using gas. 9 months ago
Make them on the moon! 9 months ago
They’re trying to block mexican made Chinese vehicles as well. They don’t want Americans buying cheap evs. 9 months ago
No, they don’t want the profits getting funneled off to China. 9 months ago
Thats great for GM and Ford execs. It just means Americans can’t afford cars. 9 months ago
Sure. And - ya know - not funneling money into a totalitarian regime. 9 months ago
So what about Tesla, Kia, Hyundai, Nissan, Toyota, Subaru, and all the rest? You say we can’t afford cars yet 15 million new cars are sold every year here. New cars have never been something that just anyone can buy which is why the used market is so much larger.
Selling Chinese EVs here below cost isn’t going to improve anything. It’s just going to put a bunch of competitors out of business and drive wages even further down. 9 months ago
The tariffs are for Steel and Aluminium, intentionally shifting the discussion to EVs is disingenuous, just like the article.