“Well lookee here fellas, we got us one of them self-hatin jews!”
-Some movie or something I think? Possibly a TV show or stand-up routine…
Comment on House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism”
RampantParanoia2365@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Guess I’m an antisemitic jew, then. Obviously that makes no fucking sense, but here we are.
“Well lookee here fellas, we got us one of them self-hatin jews!”
-Some movie or something I think? Possibly a TV show or stand-up routine…
I do often hate myself, but it has nothing to do with the judaism.
Try to take it easy on yourself, you’re only human.
Gestures vaguely at themselves
Sounds like an Inglorious Basterds line but I cant recall either
South Park, hands down.
Damn, I think you’re right.
They had a three parter, with the meteorshower. one of them is the one with the juwbelie where they try to get Moses macaroni pictures and what not. One of the elders there is from the sect of anti-Semites or so.
Pretty sure their media apparatus can “lawfully” show stock images with people photoshopped to be saluting Hitler on any news about student protests against being complicit in Israel’s genocide now.
alquicksilver@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Nah, it makes perfect sense! If we don’t support Israel, then we’re not “real” Jews. Or is it that we’re supposed to be self-hating? Either way, I know I always look forward to (usually some flavor of Christian) politicians telling me how to be a Jew.
okamiueru@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Is it a requirement to be Jewish, in order to have Israeli citizenship?
alquicksilver@lemmy.world 10 months ago
I’m not Israeli, so not entirely sure about their laws, but Wikipedia confirms that there are non-Jewish citizens.
As a Jew, though, it would be far easier for me to obtain Israeli citizenship than it would be for a gentile.
RampantParanoia2365@lemmy.world 10 months ago
No, but I believe jews are supposed to have automatic citizenship if they request it.