- Comment on I created a board game alternative for evil people 9 months ago:
My phone is muted/silenced and im still experiencing vibrations. Other apps do not vibrate when my device is changed to mute. (Galaxy Note 9)
- Comment on I created a board game alternative for evil people 9 months ago:
Very nice! Would be nice to turn off all vibrations/noises from the app
- Comment on Cubic millimetre of brain mapped in spectacular detail 9 months ago:
Incredible. Very humbling
- Comment on After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year 9 months ago:
I love my Tidal subscription. Most everything that's on Spotify is on Tidal now unless it's an exclusive. Most annoying part will be tranferring your playlists
- Comment on Virginia school board considers restoring Confederate names to schools 9 months ago:
"essential to honor our community's heritage."
Bruh Virginia's heritage is a rocky slope filled with plenty of POS racists. Dont honor the few traitors weve had out of the countless individuals who excelled and made this country what it is today
- Comment on House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism” 10 months ago:
Sounds like an Inglorious Basterds line but I cant recall either
- Comment on The Dangerous Rise of GPS Attacks 10 months ago:
Isnt GPS and other signal blocking against ITU? Seems like a slippery slope into being sanctioned further
- Comment on Show me the stupid thing, so that I may laugh 10 months ago:
- Comment on Excuse me, my son's name is also Borts... 10 months ago:
When you graduate from Warthog instead of Hogwarts
- Comment on “You don’t grab power, you accumulate it quietly, without anyone noticing.” – Grand Nagus Zek 11 months ago:
Wow incredible quality! Are you upscaling or is this native LD?
- Comment on I've been saying this for years and no one listens- they're a bunch of jerks. 11 months ago:
- Comment on Lemmy Active Users looking good 11 months ago:
- Comment on More than 11 million Britons have less than £1,000 in savings 1 year ago:
Interesting, I imagine Northern Ireland is no different and also requires it yearly and folks just call it tax. Where I am we pay both a property tax on the vehicle (based on vehicle value at the time) ASWELL as a yearly registration fee to operate the vehicle on public roads. This is all in addition to a titling tax needed once when first obtaining the vehicle (also based on value of vehicle)
- Comment on Why do I get the feeling Tom Paris' unspecified crime might have been storming the Federation capital? 1 year ago:
Wasnt it obviously Maquis related? I imagine smuggling people(Bajorans) out of Cardassia or smuggling weapons to Maquis supporters
- Comment on More than 11 million Britons have less than £1,000 in savings 1 year ago:
In some places government requires vehicles to be
regularly re-registered at certain intervals and it's usually associated with a bill or fine to update the registration paperwork on the vehicleMost cases it's just a way to collect taxes at a local level
- Comment on How do I learn about DIY modern electronics? 1 year ago:
Start by learning disassembling first!
Then learning replacement/upgrading of components next like your speaker idea. Then shift into assembly and constructingWay easier to understand components and where they line up and their effects by taking apart and reverse engineering before trying to assemble or create/engineer anything yourself
- Comment on "Now, if you are holding on to some temporal equivalent of that directive, then isn't it possible that you have an occasion here to make an exception" 1 year ago:
Haha fantastic
- Comment on What is the next "grown up game" now that Minecraft only goes for children? 1 year ago:
Check out 'Rimworld'
I've sunk many hours into the game. It rarely goes on discount but I and many other players have found the price tag pays for the hours of content it provides many times over
P.S I find the newer caves to be much more challenging and certainly more interesting than the old caves. Plus you can just not use the recipe book and play on hard or hardcore mode
- Comment on What part of this are you not understanding, Beverly? 1 year ago:
"The dog"...
You mean PORTHOS! Give them some respect!
- Comment on Prove you're not an android 1 year ago:
To be fair I bet it was developed to directly compete against cloaked Romulan craft
- Comment on Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in Learning How to Reverse Aging 1 year ago:
We are literally in a Jetsons episode sometimes
- Comment on Kirk always knows how to find his perfect lighting. 1 year ago:
YES! Something about Shatners performance just screams captain. The composure. The looks. The inflection. Like every decision truly weighs on his character
- Comment on Wireless Shower Head 1 year ago:
Why not use the flowing water to spin a turbine?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago: