The times that I have to tell someone the uncomfortable truth happens far less often that you’d think. Many of the white lies we tell are completely unecessary.
Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 11 months ago
I’m gonna guess that “Quite the opposite; I have very strong morals. This however icludes things like not lying which means that I always speak the truth and not everyone likes hearing it. I don’t follow many of the social norms expected of me.” is the reason for this “A person recently said to me that they sometimes feel gaslighted around me because I so effortlesly make them question their own beliefs and feelings.” 11 months ago 11 months ago
Hmm, you say they’re unnecessary, and yet you are in a situation where people say they’re uncomfortable around you…
If you don’t bother with white lies and think that goes down okay, then maybe the other person is pretending they’re okay with it when it does actually bother them.
So they’re then telling a white lie of their own to spare your feelings, or just because they want to move on from the subject. 11 months ago
I try to identify those people fast to keep away from them. 11 months ago
Honestly it’s almost impossible for me to think of someone who isn’t like that. Have you found people who aren’t…? 11 months ago
There are negative extremes on both ends. Nobody likes the bad kind of “honest” where someone is constantly an asshole for no reason, then hides behind “well would you rather I lie about my hatefulness?” as though it’s the honesty that people dislike rather than the views they’re being honest about.
But plenty of people appreciate genuine honesty. 11 months ago
That isn’t honesty, that is being a bully with an excuse. Those people tend to be inconsistent enough that it becomes clear they are not even being honest. 11 months ago
I can think of only three people I have ever known out of the thousands of people that I have interacted with in my lifetime that actually preferred honesty over politeness. 11 months ago
This is a cultural value, fyi. You might enjoy another culture more if that’s an option for you.
I’m an immigrant in Germany studying to be a German teacher for new immigrants. As part of our curriculum, we were given this question to answer for ourselves and share with the group (about 80% German, with one each South American, North American, and Russian student, plus five Asian students, in grad school):
The Asian and Russian students wouldn’t address it; the American students would say that it was very cool that she’d actually made her own clothing, which they both believed would be true, if oblique; and the German students would tell her it didn’t look good, though about half would also try to find something they did like about it (fit or color or knit pattern) to compliment as well.
That’s a tiny sample size, obviously, but it was interesting to me and I found it completely insane that some Germans would just tell their roommate that they didn’t like her sweater. My old roommate told me he thought my lipstick was too dark on my wedding day when I was showing him pictures several weeks later, though. Unfortunately the class came afterwards and I was very annoyed with him at the time. I still kind of am, but I’m trying to be culturally accepting 😅 11 months ago
Yeah I kind of feel that way too. People will even say they want the truth but they often don’t. I even fall into that category sometimes though I generally think I would much prefer the truth. I kind of get it, the truth is really hard to deal with sometimes. But I can’t understand always putting it behind “being nice”. 11 months ago
I’m autistic and have much better luck finding “plain” conversation with other autistic people. No idea I’d you are or aren’t but you’ll welcome to join the community of you aren’t a bullshitter.
It can be a little weird to get used to because the whole world lies, but man, is it refreshing once you do and have the trust/rapport to just speak plainly with friends. 11 months ago
I appreciate this response. I’m not autistic but sometimes I have thought I could be on the spectrum. Nothing diagnosed yet though. I have commented and lurked in that community here and have sometimes felt like I have some things in common with y’all. Have a great evening. 11 months ago
Me. If I found out that you’re being nice but dishonest, I’ll cut my interactions with you almost immediately, and the ones I’m forced to have will be minimal and devoid of any personal information, as you have proven not to be trusthworthy. 11 months ago
Depends. Are they nice before they’re honest? Or are they nice while also being honest?
They aren’t mutually exclusive labels, so you might just be a positive person that doesn’t pick up on nefarious clues so well and thusly aren’t going to recognize the kind of casual dishonesty being referenced here.
I think you may be assuming gaslighting is something only done by the wicked. 11 months ago
While people can be polite and honest, it is clear that they are talking about someone who cares far more about one than the other.