Comment on Rooster Teeth Shut Down By Warner Bros. Discovery 11 months ago
Wow TIL achievement hunter was shut down last year. I guess it was all down hill…
Comment on Rooster Teeth Shut Down By Warner Bros. Discovery 11 months ago
Wow TIL achievement hunter was shut down last year. I guess it was all down hill… 11 months ago
Didn’t teo of them try to fuck kids or something? 11 months ago
No one tried to fuck kids.
Kovic pranced around naked in the office on cam with a girl he was actively cheating on his wife with.
and Ryan manipulated emotionally vulnerable people into sex. One of which was 17, but iirc she admitted about lying about her age, So while Ryan was a predator, he wasnt a child predator iirc.
These two were just the tips of the iceberg. Roosterteeth has been problematic since damn near the start.
One of their early advertisers was “Alpha Brain”, some sugar pill that was supposed to make you think better to game better. Pure pseudoscience junk.
Much later they started shilling for an online prescription mill to their young audience, and in typical roosterteeth fashion. They got really super pissed off at being called out about it, then had geoff come out and try to twist the valid criticism into an attack on his miraculously convenient Erectile Dysfunction.
They also had MASSIVE issues with bigotry behind the scenes, Which IIRC is why Micah Burton and KDin got the fuck out of dodge. (I strongly suspect that Gavin was one of the worst about this, judging from edits early videos made around him and just my pure supposition, I can totally see him being the kind of person to drop the hard R in casual conversation without warning, and think its a laugh).
Also they spent years exploiting fans for free/low cost labor. Not just at expos and events, but behind the scenes in their animation department.
and anytime there was valid criticism about anything they did, They’d spend an entire post/podcast/etc railing against their “idiot” fans for not knowing better… I think at one point, someone… maybe burnie? told all the old, diehard, complaining fans to fuck off and that the can be replaced with new fans?
Which really turned out well, considering they’ve been floundering for years before the guillotine finally came down.
This is just the shit I can remember. Theres a whole plethora more of bullshit that Roosterteeth has done. Sucks for the behind the scene not-asshole folks to be losing their jobs, but RT deserves its ignominious death. 11 months ago
Aww, Gav’s racist? I hope not, but I can see how someone on staff could be with how quickly Burton came on and left. Unfortunate, I liked her when she was on. 11 months ago
I got no hard evidence, largely cause they edit the shit out of the videos and arent dumb enough to say it in public, but there have been off hand comments referencing gavins awfulness behind scenes and shit, that I would 100% put money on the fact that… like I said, he not only says the hard R, he says it with laughter and glee.
and hes probably not the only one, I just think hes the most likely.
but to be clear, supposition and such. 11 months ago
Wait what? Huh?! 11 months ago
pretty much my reaction, and was the moment I started shifting hard away from RT/AH/Etc 11 months ago
I never liked Gavin, but I never pegged him as a racist. Not sure if I should feel vindicated 11 months ago
Only one of the two, the other was just a sexual predator. 11 months ago
Damn, it’s fucked up that that’s somehow better as well.