AR just means augmented reality, it says nothing of how it should be implemented 1 year ago
The new goggles have a feature that merges digital apps and one’s surroundings into one immersive space
Isn’t this just AR? We’ve had that for years. Or is it somehow different from existing AR? 1 year ago 1 year ago
It’s pretty good AR from what I hear but still AR. 1 year ago
pretty good VR - all of the user’s field of vision is digitally (re-)created. 1 year ago
If you load up an AR app on your phone, it will often overlap the augmentation over the camera image. So I think reprojecting the outside world using cameras and augmenting that in VR is also a form of AR. Maybe we need a new name for this specifically, though? I don't know. But maybe AVR or VAR? 1 year ago
We don’t need another name because it’s a very common feature in VR headsets. My headset has monochromatic cameras for passthrough, but it’s still a VR headset. 1 year ago
Apple already invented the phrase/name: Spatial Computing 1 year ago
I watched some reviews about it. Yes, it’s basically like having an iPad screen taped to your eyes. 1 year ago
AR of that visual quality has required the user to be stationary and tied to a large computer. 1 year ago
Ah, you seem to have made a rookie mistake, poor people are using AR, apple users are using spatial computing 1 year ago
It is ~slightly~ different, but in a way that’s worse.
AR uses a transparent overlay over reality perceived through a translucent surface, or at most a small subset of your vision is replaced. Think sunglasses with a screen you can see through, or a small corner of your vision is blocked by a tiny screen.
In Apple’s “special computing” cameras recreate and alter reality, nothing you see is with your own eyes because no part of the display is transparent. 1 year ago
Exactly, it’s VR with passthrough.
I have to laugh at “spatial computing” though. 1 year ago
And VR with passthrough has been a thing at least in pro grade VR for like a decade. 1 year ago
Ima call it vr with passthrough from now on 1 year ago
AFAIK there is no strict definition for AR how current reality is implemented, and both transparent and reprojected have their advantages and disadvantages. For example it’s much harder to “pin” augmentation on transparent AR, on the other hand latency and FOV are big issues for reprojected AR. 1 year ago
You ever seen the myth busters episode where they try to drive a car through cameras and computer monitors?
It didn’t go well 1 year ago
Oh shit. That makes them less appealing, then.
I wish I could say this scenario is unlikely, but nowadays? Who knows! So, picture this:
That wouldn’t happen if the goggles were truly transparent. 1 year ago
No. Apple even has an entire library called ARKit to do Augmented Reality on a screen. For them, it has never meant transparent. 1 year ago
Just because developers name libraries things doesn’t make them accurate. Generally when something is misnamed it’s because of backwards/intercomaptibility or just design decisions that differ from original implementations and it’s no longer feasible/reasonable to refactor to a different name.
Examples: windows 7 was version 6.1, windows 8 was version 6.2, windows 8.1 was version 6.3 Java 5 was versioned as 1.5, continuing the convention from previous releases 1.2-1.4 Hell, where I work we use an automation workflow with functions called stuff like “create_and_assign_citrix_security_groups_to_static_containers” that has long since been adapted to work with vmware and other non-virtualization platforms like k8s. Refactoring those functions would mean refactoring any external automation that uses these libraries, just like refactoring versioning schemas would break compatibility with any external software that relies on an assumption that windows >xp would be 6.X. 1 year ago
Oh shit I don’t want to be a poor people I need to get something with spatial computing! 1 year ago
That’s the point where you sell your fridge and cut on baby diapers for your kids 1 year ago
Be real, it is spatial pornography.