Regardless of feelings on that subject, there’s also the creep factor of people making these without the subjects’ knowledge or consent, which is bad enough, but then these could be used in many other harmful ways beyond one’s own… gratification. Any damage “revenge porn” can do, which I would guess most people would say is wrong, this can do as well.
Comment on ‘Nudify’ Apps That Use AI to ‘Undress’ Women in Photos Are Soaring in Popularity 1 year ago
nakedness needs to stop being an issue 1 year ago 1 year ago
I don’t think they’re really comparable?
These AI pictures are “make believe”. They’re just a guess at what someone might look like nude, based on what human bodies look like. While apparently they look realistic, it’s still a “generic” nude, kind of how someone would fantasize about someone they’re attracted to.
Of course it’s creepy, and sharing them is clearly unacceptable as it’s certainly bullying and harassment. These AI nudes say more about those who share them than they do about who’s portrayed in them.
However, sharing intimate videos without consent and especially as revenge? That’s a whole other level of fucked up. The AI nudes are ultimately “lies” about someone, they’re fakes. Sharing an intimate video, that is betraying someone’s trust, it’s exposing something that is private but very real. 1 year ago
I agree with you nudity being an issue but I think the real problem is this app being used on children and teenagers who aren’t used to/supposed to be sexualized. 1 year ago
Nudity shouldn’t be considered sexual. 1 year ago
Not all nudity is but there is no non-sexual reason to use AI to undress someone without consent 1 year ago
The question on consent is something I’m trying to figure out. Do you need consent to alter an image that is available in a public space? What if it was you who took the picture of someone in public? 1 year ago
Just because something shouldn’t be doesn’t mean I won’t be. This is reality and we can’t just wish something to be true. You saying it doesn’t really help anything. 1 year ago
In societies that have a healthy relationship with the human body, nudity is not considered sexual. I’m not just making it fantasy scenarios. 1 year ago
Pipe dream. 1 year ago
Fully agree but I do think that’s more an issue about psychology in our world and trauma. Children being nude should not be a big deal, they’re kids you know? 1 year ago
It shouldn’t be a big deal if they choose to be nude some place that is private for them and they’re comfortable. The people who are using this app to make someone nude isn’t really asking for consent. And that also brings up another issue. Consent. If you have images of yourself posted to the public then is there consent needed to alter those images? I don’t know but I don’t think there is since it’s public domain. 1 year ago
It’s a problem for adults too. Circulating an AI generated nude of a female coworker is likely to be just as harmful as a real picture. Just as objectifying, humiliating and hurtful. Neighbors or other “friends” doing it could be just as bad.
It’s sexual harassment even if fake. 1 year ago
I think it should officially be considered sexual harassment. Obtain a picture of someone, generate nudes from that picture, it seems pretty obvious. Maybe it should include intent to harm, harass, exploit, or intimidate to make it official. 1 year ago
People have a really unhealthy relationship with nudity. I wish we had more nude beaches as it really helps decouple sex from nudity. And for a decent number of people, helps with perceived body issues too. 1 year ago
Also better education, not just the sex part but overall. Critical thinking, reasoning, asking questions and yes off course sex ed 1 year ago
so you’d be fine with fake nudes of you floating around the internet? 1 year ago
There are real nudes of me floating around the internet, and I’m fine with it. 1 year ago
I actually would but I’m a guy so i think it is different 1 year ago
i think the nude isn’t really the actual issue, it’s people gossiping about it and saying you’re a slut for doing things you didn’t do 1 year ago
are you 15? people gossiping still bothers you? 1 year ago
I’m pretty squeamish about nudity when it comes to my own body, but fake nudes would not be pictures of my body, so I don’t see what there would be for me to be upset about. It might be different if everyone thought they were real, but if people haven’t figured out yet any nudes they encounter of someone they know are probably fake, they will soon.
Here’s a thought experiment: imagine a world where there are fake nudes of everyone available all the time Would everyone just be devastated all the time? Would everyone be a target of ridicule over it? Would everyone be getting blackmailed? We’re probably going to be in that world very soon, and I predict everyone will just get over it and move on. Sharing fake nudes will reflect badly on the person doing it and no one else, and people who make them for their own enjoyment will do so in secret because they don’t want to be seen as a creepy loser. 1 year ago
But some people don’t agree with you. They’re not comfortable with tech that can nudify them for millions to see. So if, and that’s possibly and impossible task, but if there was a way to punish services that facilitate, or turn a blind eye, then you bet your ass many many people would be for it. 1 year ago
Honestly I don’t think that’s the problem here. The problem is that we have kreeps trying to get a physical photo of someone nude for wank material. 1 year ago
I’m genuinely curious, why do you consider this harmful? They might as well be drawing tits by hand on a picture of the “victim”
I mean sure I wouldnt want to be a teenage girl in highschool right now but I don’t think it’s the technologys fault but rather our culture as a society 1 year ago
It’s the sexualization of people without consent that’s a problem. Maybe casual nudity shouldn’t a problem but it should be up to the individual to whom they share that with. And “nudify” ai models go beyond casual, consensual nudity and into sexual objectification and harassment if used without consent. 1 year ago
I want to point out one slight flaw in your argument. Nudity isn’t needed for people to sexually objectify you. And even if it was, the majority of people are able to strip you down in their head no problem.
There’s a huge potential for harassment though, and I think that should be the main concern. 1 year ago
first, relevant xkcd
do you really think that makes it less bad? that it’s opt-in?
apparently this app helps them too