No. Just no.
Comment on We're all just in Stockholm Syndrome to whatever culture we were born into. 1 year agoGuns aren’t safe. They aren’t supposed to be safe, or at least they aren’t supposed to be any safer than any other tool. They are a tool that is very specifically designed to grant their user an increased ability to injure a target with ease from a safe distance. This ability grants the user an increased ability to hunt, to defend themselves, to defend their property and family, and yes to harm or kill other people and predators.
A hammer, a knife, a blunt object, and a car can all provide these same abilities with differing efficiency, but we still have them, too, even though they aren’t necessary. You don’t need to drive. Walk or take a bus. You don’t need a hammer to drive nails. Use a rock instead. Although there is a famous story about a guy named Cain, that makes a strong argument for getting rid of rocks, too. No one needs a baseball bat. Those are only used for recreation, so it should be easy to get rid of those dangerous weapons, right? I’m sure we can get rid of those dangerous knives, too. Our ancestors didn’t need them to survive, so I’m sure we can do without them to make the world a safer place.
This is why we have a rule that none of these things can be used for that thing about killing other people under threat of harm or death unless it was done under pretty specific circumstances.
You are statistically safer around a gun than you are around a ladder, but I’m guessing ladders aren’t on your list of things to rid the world of for some reason. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Maybe? 1 year ago
No. You know your argument is not appropriate. I don’t need to tell you that.
You argueing that way, because you want your guns and have to find a moral excuse so that it doesn’t look like your only argument is “Boom Boom Manly Man Boom”.
You are argueing in bad faith, so no need to engage in that argumentation. 1 year ago
You’re one to talk. The only excuse you have is that you seem to have something against people who identify as men. Yea, real amazing argument there. Congrats on identifying as a basic leftist bitch with no common sense.
I don’t appreciate someone trying to steal my right to bear arms away from me, risking my safety and restricting my right to defend myself from criminals simply because they don’t like tools that go Boom Boom Boom.
Go back to reddit where you belong. 1 year ago
I like how you ignore the fact you're statistically less safe if you own a gun.
No need to change the subject to ladders.
The point is whatever perceived safety you get from your human killing device is negated by having the device itself. 1 year ago
I didn’t ignore it. It’s just a dumb statement for someone to make. You are statistically less safe if you own a toaster. You are statistically less safe if you own a coffee table.
How many toes must be stubbed before we outlaw those tables and their dangerous and harmful legs! Think of the children!
You are statistically less safe from a lot of stuff, but we keep them around because they have an important use.
My gun isn’t going to break into my house and kill me for the 10$ in my wallet, but my cracked up neighbors might. I’ll take my chances with the gun. 1 year ago
What a tool. What other purpose do guns have other than violence? All the other things you mentioned are used for other things. Guns are for killing, and nothing else. 1 year ago
Completely ignoring that a lot of guns are used for hunting and even more are used for sport (hey, just like a baseball bat). Guns are a deterrent and an equalizer. They increase a person ability to defend themselves and others from threats stronger or deadlier than they would otherwise be able to face or defend against.
I don’t know who you are, but let’s pretend you are a 4’10" 100lbs girl that lives in a small 6th floor apartment. What do you do to defend yourself from a 7’ tall 280lbs man that just kicked in the door to your apartment? Do you grab a gun and try to put as many rounds as possible in his chest or do you just sit in the apartment and let him have his way with you until the police show up and then continue to stand outside because they think it might be too dangerous for them to actually help you? I mean, what if the man has an illegal gun? Imagine! A criminal with the audacity to have an item that you, a law-abiding citizen, are not allowed to have because they, as you put it, are only used for violence, something criminals are known to not take part in. 🙄
Guns are the best defense against someone or something that is trying to do you harm. That’s the reason it’s so high up on the Bill of Rights. Because life, liberty, and justice are only possible if you have the ability to stop someone from taking them from you. It’s like our forefathers knew what life was like to come from a place where you were nothing more than a peasant and everything you had and were could be just taken away if the person with the shiny crown wished it or some back alley ripper would stab you dead for your pocket lint alone. 1 year ago
Are you claiming that violence doesn’t serve a purpose? 1 year ago
A toaster and ladder have constructive applications. 1 year ago
Oh he didn’t ignore it, he gave you some enthusiastic whataboutism concerning ladders.
I am in fact incredibly careful around ladders, fwiw. And power tools. But those things have constructive applications, where the gun is by its nature destructive.