Guns aren’t safe. They aren’t supposed to be safe, or at least they aren’t supposed to be any safer than any other tool. They are a tool that is very specifically designed to grant their user an increased ability to injure a target with ease from a safe distance. This ability grants the user an increased ability to hunt, to defend themselves, to defend their property and family, and yes to harm or kill other people and predators.
A hammer, a knife, a blunt object, and a car can all provide these same abilities with differing efficiency, but we still have them, too, even though they aren’t necessary. You don’t need to drive. Walk or take a bus. You don’t need a hammer to drive nails. Use a rock instead. Although there is a famous story about a guy named Cain, that makes a strong argument for getting rid of rocks, too. No one needs a baseball bat. Those are only used for recreation, so it should be easy to get rid of those dangerous weapons, right? I’m sure we can get rid of those dangerous knives, too. Our ancestors didn’t need them to survive, so I’m sure we can do without them to make the world a safer place.
This is why we have a rule that none of these things can be used for that thing about killing other people under threat of harm or death unless it was done under pretty specific circumstances.
You are statistically safer around a gun than you are around a ladder, but I’m guessing ladders aren’t on your list of things to rid the world of for some reason. 1 year ago
You sound white and privileged; try being a minority in a place where cops are racist/sexist and crime is high and see how fast you will change your mind. 1 year ago
Do you think pulling a gun against a cop will help you get home safely? 1 year ago
You know how I know you're a white privileged kid that never grew up with any adversity? You never considered that cops will delay their response, if respond at all, to help you because of your skin color or income demographic.
You went straight to the ignorant thought of a gun owner addressing cops with violence and not a criminal trying to rob you in front of your family. 1 year ago
You sound white and privileged and trying to shove pro-gun arguments into the mouths of minorities because you think that’s some kind of uno-reverse card to liberals. 1 year ago
Non-sequitur. Do you have any argument to refute anything I said so as to help change my mind and make us both better people, or just continue to remain a useless loser your entire life and leave it at that? 1 year ago
Hit the nail on the head, didn’t I? ;D
Thanks for confirming. 1 year ago
The asshat is clearly privileged, but don’t stoop to racism like them. Be the change you want in the world. The right to bear arms and defend yourself from criminals and tyranny alike is a right that every American should practice and cherish no matter what they look like. One day, we’ll get that dream even if we have to deal with a few nightmares first.