Yeah, if you tilt your head back and pretend you’re shaking a salt shaker into your mouth, you will actually taste salt.
Comment on The human hand is incredibly good at seeing what's inside your pocket 1 day ago
Your tongue is way more tacticle. We spend most of our toddler years discovering this.
You can look at anything around you, anyrhing, and your brain knows exactly what it would be like to lick it. Taste, texture, residue etc… it’s quite freaky
Oh and my thighs are really good at imagining my phone just buzzed. 1 day ago 1 day ago
I don’t taste anything. Does it matter how hard I shake it? 1 day ago
You have to close your eyes, open your mouth wide and put your tongue out for the desired effect. Maybe it helps if you have some bystanders who cheer you on. 1 day ago
When I was an adolescent, I dreamt that I performed oral sex on a woman by putting my entire head inside of her vagina. Turns out that cunnalingus is nothing like my premonition, but I certainly had the texture figured out. 1 day ago
There are 100% women who would be into that. I’m not saying they’re common, but I may have met at least one of them. 1 day ago
inner or outer?
you know what 1 day ago
Siri, how do I unthink a thought? 1 day ago
Alcohol, ridiculously large amounts of 1 day ago
Weed is better for forgetting. Alcohol is better for not caring.