Funny thing is that even the immigrants are smart enough to know the shouldn’t settle in these places because they’re going down the toilet. But the locals? We’re being ignored! Save our useless town with no economic prospects, no educated workforce, and no infrastructure to support anything worthwhile! No, of course we won’t move!. …while they proceed to vote against any social policy that might help them or their future generations out of their trap.
Comment on Trump confirms plan to declare national emergency, use military for mass deportations 1 month ago
Drive through rural America and see how many underpopulated small towns there are. Shuttered businesses for lack of customers. Abandoned buildings. These places need people. 1 month ago 1 month ago
No, of course we won’t move
Try “Can’t”
I don’t know why you city slickers think packing up all your shit and moving into a new house in a new town is free, but it isn’t. We ARE being ignored, worse than that, we’re being left to die. 1 month ago
Fwiw (I sure hope this is not an empty platitude), as a trans woman who’d love to be able to feel safe outside of cities in blue states, who very much knows and experienced that it’s not free:
You’re absolutely right.
I read this back early 2016, been reeling from it ever since:…/unnecessariat/
We have been divided by the american mythod of “pinko city slicker vs rugged indvidualist rednecks” and the truth is it’s all so the boss can take the whole plate of cookies, while scapegoating your brown/queer/whatever co-worker “He’s gonna eat your cookie”
I refuse, at least for my inner child anyway, to surrender the love I have for my fellow common person, regardless of where you’re from. Sweeping generalization.
There’s lots of blame to go around. Big Pharma, Politicians, the way in which the midwest and south’s entire economies that were always built on the idea of very high capital using extractive methods to get resources out of the land either cotton or mining or oil or water or agri business, those economies always depend on a few people with a lot of money, and then a whole bunch of people who are poor.
I blame them, not you. I see you. We are not alone. There has got to be a better way. 1 month ago
Tack on the attempts to maintain high/high quality amenities in sparsely populated, low tax revenue areas, and you have a nice fat deficit for your small town compounding that problem. 1 month ago
I don’t give a fuck about genocide?
Bitch my friend in beyruth got her husband bombed. Fucking die. You are a useless, heartless person. Please commit suicide asap 1 month ago
Don’t worry. This isn’t the only Trump plan that will tank the economy. I just wish the rest of us didn’t have to suffer because of all those idiots not paying attention. 1 month ago
The east coast is densely populated. California and large areas of the west coast is densely populated.
But Ohio to the Rockies? Uhhhh…there’s corn. We got corn. Do you like corn?
Yeah. There’s a reason nobody can name anything in Nebraska. Nobodys ever been there. Not even sure they have corn there. 1 month ago
I’m from Iowa and have been through Nebraska (no one stops in Nebraska) and I’m here to report: yes, they do have corn there. 1 month ago
The east coast has more big cities than those other places, but there are still. HUGE number of teeny-tiny dying towns all up and down the eastern seaboard. 1 month ago
Yeah but they don’t want those people. Now who are those people they don’t want? Brown people, black people, queer people, woke people, educated people, different people… 1 month ago 1 month ago
It’s kind of wild to me how many really small towns there are in the US. About 32% of towns in the U.S. have less than 500 residents.
For comparison, here in Brazil I lived most of my life in a town with ~35K residents and it was already considered a small rural town. Some of my family lives in a neighboring town with ~11K residents, and even in my hometown people joke about how small it is, and that there’s basically nothing going on there. 1288 of towns in Brazil have less than 5K residents, or about 23.1%, and there are no towns with less than 500 residents. Meanwhile in the US 76% of towns have less than 5K residents.
Again, it’s just kind of wild to me. I remember playing (reading?) the Echo VN and thinking “Man, a dying town with only 50 people? That doesn’t sound realistic,” but apparently that’s way more common than I thought. 1 month ago
My slightly educated guess would be that’s a consequence of America’s race westward in the 1800’s, only stopping long enough to annihilate the indigenous population and set up a rest stop for the next batch. 1 month ago
Railroads played big role. Trains needed more water or coal to run the engine. So every 15 to 20 miles or so, depending on terrain, a water depot was erected, and there a new town popped up. Some survived. Some didnt. Few are thriving. Just pull up a map and follow a rail line in the great plains region of the usa. Then just measure it out. Its impossible to miss once you notice it. 1 month ago
It’s more modern than that. I don’t have time to look for stats, but I believe there’s been general migration to cities for like half a century or more 1 month ago
Of course, but I’m talking about why all these little towns existed in the first place. It’s not like they were all bustling metropolises before everyone left. ;) 1 month ago
We also have “towns” that are insufficient in size and unlisted or are under another towns “address”. A town near me has less than 1000 people and that includes the towns under it that are 3-5mi apart. 1 month ago
One of my friends lives in what used to be considered a town. Currently it has a population of like 10 people 4 of which are their family and another is one of their roommates. It is now part of the nearest town about 20 miles away and makes for some logistical novelties like mail delivery and school bus routes