You can have tons of fun at the airport as long as you don’t mind getting on the no-fly list.
Dude, it’s the airport. It’s boring as fuck. 4 months ago
Fair, but I traveled for a music festival and saw lots of people pulling up their phones to get a few hits of TikTok/insta when there was a small lull in action. And most of them were with friends. Just enjoy your surroundings. 4 months ago
I was at a party with a small group of friends recently. We were all talking in a group and then one guy started watching tik/insta/whatever with the volume on. Everyone kinda looked at each other like wtf? I asked our friend if he wanted to borrow my headphones to watch that. He took the hint and rejoined the conversation. I still was gobsmacked someone would do that while hanging out with people. 4 months ago
Endorphins are a hell of a drug. 4 months ago
Next time I’m in an airport food court I’ll try to really take in the view of the cinnabon next to the starbucks. 4 months ago
The way you write tells me you are young.
The older you get (and having a family of your own) the more you enjoy the quiet moments, just like the ones when you sit in an airport, waiting for the plane.
It’s really feels like a weight has lifted from your shoulders. 4 months ago
I’m 37 with 2 kids. Sometimes I watch short form videos to kill time when bored. I’m aware of the fact that it’s not great for me. I also drink too much caffeine. 4 months ago
And there are so many things you could do even just on your phone than mindless, objectively bad for your mental health shit like tiktok style content. Watch actual videos about interesting, cool and/or fun things, play a game, talk with a friend etc. 4 months ago
TikTok DOES have videos of interesting, cool, fun, and even educational things. If the algorithm has you on garbage, it’s because of what you watch. 4 months ago
So are 10 second videos. 4 months ago
Maybe the next one won’t be boring though 4 months ago
Or the next one 4 months ago
One more video and ill stop 4 months ago
Millions upon millions disagree. Some people are alcoholics and some people can enjoy a drink now and then. It’s the same with short form video content. Not everyone is an addict and I like that I can search something and actually get answers instead of an article or 10 minute video begging for subscribers and 1/3 of the video being an intro. 4 months ago 4 months ago
If only I could get addicted to something socially acceptable in under 35 minutes, like doing chores, or at least maths 4 months ago
For what it’s worth, getting in the habit of making excuses for one’s use is part of alcoholism. 4 months ago
I’m not an alcoholic and I’m not addicted to TikTok because I watch it at the airport. 4 months ago
Right, exactly this. Also not ALL of the stuff that’s shortform is brain rot or nonsense. There’s so many different people doing so many different things and if you give it a chance enough to find the things you like it can be as enjoyable as a long form YouTube video or whatever form of media you do consider to be more respectable than short form videos. Dismissing ALL short form content is just silly. And sure if you actually just don’t enjoy it than that’s your thing. 4 months ago
You’re right that there is a lot of good content, too. The problem is that a platform doesn’t care as long as you stay and watch, also you’ll need quite a lot of effort to find your own good content. So when I come to YouTube for something and end up watching more, I always know that I failed to YouTube trying to rip me off 4 months ago
They should go do a crossword puzzle and get off my lawn. 4 months ago
Tbh, doesn’t sound like a bad option. 4 months ago
Yeah there’s probably a park with a lot more grass 4 months ago
Sudoku is my go-to for boring time on the airplane 4 months ago
also not a fan of them, but people are enjoying it. so by definition it’s not boring for them