- Comment on Why are people seemingly against AI chatbots aiding in writing code? 5 months ago:
I have a coworker who is essentially building a custom program in Sheets using AppScript, and has been using CGPT/Gemini the whole way.
While this person has a basic grasp of the fundamentals, there’s a lot of missing information that gets filled in by the bots. Ultimately after enough fiddling, it will spit out usable code that works how it’s supposed to, but honestly it ends up taking significantly longer to guide the bot into making just the right solution for a given problem. Not to mention the code is just a mess - even though it works there’s no real consistency since it’s built across prompts.
I’m confident that in this case and likely in plenty of other cases like it, the amount of time it takes to learn how to ask the bot the right questions in totality would be better spent just reading the documentation for whatever language is being used. At that point it might be worth it to spit out simple code that can be easily debugged.
Ultimately, it just feels like you’re offloading complexity from one layer to the next, and in so doing quickly acquiring tech debt.
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
Sandboxes are literally grounds for infinite creativity. Just look at The Lego Movie. No, if there’s an issue with this movie it’s that they aren’t using the sandbox to its full potential, at least as far as our initial impressions can tell us. We have all seen every single one of the story beats shown in the trailer before in other movies.
- Comment on Nothing to see here 8 months ago:
I’m afraid all we can say for sure is that it’s not a caterpillar.
- Comment on Discord is on a quest to become a better messaging app 1 year ago:
I think the difference is that when you pay discord, they stop advertising to you.
- Comment on An oldie but a goodie 1 year ago:
A little bit of cultural linguistics going on really. Even though the texts are also calling OOP gay and queer, and doing so with the same amount of vitriol as with the f-slur, they aren’t recognized as emotionally charged in the same way. All the other cursing is not hate speech per se as it’s not directly targeting any immutable characteristics.
- Comment on Getting high reveals how arbitrary the connection is between how you feel and how well things are going. 1 year ago:
I used to enjoy it, but over time I ended up in a similar boat. Just a huge bust of anxiety, especially socially. But on the other hand, I feel pretty okay in the day to day. I’ve come to see it as a sort of forced introspection - not necessarily revealing anything I don’t already know about, but bringing it all to the surface and forcing the mind to see it. In that respect, it could still be drawing a line between feeling and how things are going.
Not that it makes it necessarily more universal, but I think there’s a grain of truth.
- Comment on Scrolled across this ad on Reddit for an AI service to speak with the deceased 1 year ago:
Replika is probably what you’re thinking of. It was nice when it started, sort of like a journaling app in a way but which could return insights. Then it started getting monetized, of course.
- Comment on Tom Hanks Warns Fans About ‘AI Version of Me’ Promoting Dental Plan: ‘I Have Nothing to Do With It’ 1 year ago:
I love this idea. Unfortunately, I think it’s just a slightly unnatural vocal performance. Even though AI can perfectly replicate voices tonally, they can’t truly generate the same cadence and inflections, or sometimes even get close without a good deal of human assistance. I suspect this will change over time. As with ChatGPT, we’ll be looking to AI to solve the problem of AI mimicking humans too well.